Take This Test To See If You're A Real Copywriter
That's not my normal self.
Thought I'd quit being nice and get back to my "real" self.
Lots of people want to be a copywriter...they think they have a way with words, etc.
Here's a test to see if you're for real.
1. Can you get rich without having a customer?
Your answer should be yes.
If you're a good copywriter, why wait around on a customer?
Grab a product (or create one) off any shelf, at any store, and sell it. There's no reason to wait on someone wanting to pay you to write their letter.
Write your own letter and earn all the profits.
2. Are you easily offended?
Your answer should be no.
Most will answer no...but usually they're kidding themselves.
Get over your whiny, baby attitude...learn to take some advice.
3. Have you been a copywriter for over 1 year, and you're still broke?
Your answer should be no.
Most will have to be honest and say yes.
It's time you get serious about making money...make a plan to get a product out there within 7 days. Don't worry about everything being perfect. Just do it.
Set a 7 day time limit...on the 7th day...go with what you have.
7 days includes research, product choice, and sales letter.
4. Are you afraid of failure?
You're answer should be no.
Eventually you'll learn that every failure teaches you something about how to have more winners.
You will NEVER EVER be a good copywriter without some failures. Don't be misguided by people who tell you otherwise.
5. Do you hold grudges?
Your answer should be no.
I've struggled with this one...I've been ripped and talked bad about so many times...yet I know that if I harbor a grudge, my work will suffer.
Let go of all your grudges...learn to forgive.
6. Do you have a plan in place for personal health.
Your answer should be yes.
If your living day to day with bad habits...or unwilling to take care of yourself physically, you'll suffer in your work.
Exercise can clear your mind and open up thoughts that you wouldn't otherwise have.
I daily run on the treadmill...sometimes to the point where I lose all my negative thoughts and start to open my mind to new ideas.
Most of your best thoughts come to you when your mind is clear of all negative thoughts.
There's a reason some live the good life...with Bentley's, jets, etc., and some struggle to make it.
It's usually the little aspects that matter the most...the things you don't realize have an impact on your ability to "make it".
Change your attitude...you'll change your wealth.
Learn IM From the Experts Who Are Already Doing It!
"Sammy-approved, baby!" -- Offline Brat Pack