How the P90X Guys Got Rich

2 replies
Paul Gram posted on the main forum how the p90X company made all their dough. The guys behind it are direct marketers who partnered with a personal trainer. I'll just link to Paul's post and you can go from there:

If they don't have P90X in your area, it's an extreme workout program advertised on infomercials. Annual sales of that one product are over $70 million US.
#guys #p90x #rich
  • Profile picture of the author RHert
    Thanks for the link.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Originally Posted by Joe Ditzel View Post

    Paul Gram posted on the main forum how the p90X company made all their dough. The guys behind it are direct marketers who partnered with a personal trainer.
    I was actually watching QVC last night where they were pitching the NEW P90X2 workout set.

    By the way, if you don't watch QVC to get sales ideas, you're missing a HUGE opportunity.


    The marketing efforts behind P90X are brilliant because they take an abundance of information about muscle confusion and break it down into simple, easily understood bite size pieces.

    And while 90 days for some people is too long to see dramatic results, the P90X people targeted prospects that have already been on the dieting/workout roller coaster and failed to get long-lasting results elsewhere.

    They also communicated how the QUALITY of people's lives dramatically increased by using their program.

    Lastly, and this is the BIGGEST reason, in my opinion, why P90X succeeded so wildly...

    ...They REALLY triggered the CULT-like mentality of people who proudly exclaim they're a part of the P90X Community.

    They conveyed that P90X is a worldwide phenomenon - and backed it up by actually becoming that.

    Here's the thing:

    They have a program that works.

    I've done it.

    They also communicate upfront that the program is going to kick you a$$!

    It does.

    There were days I'd be sitting in front of the computer so exhausted, on so many levels, that I couldn't come up with an original thought to write down if my life depended on it.

    M point is...

    If you want to become more successful pitching your own product or service, follow the basics of the P90X/ marketing model:
    1. Utilize information that's already out there and piece it together into one, easy-to-understand process or product.
    2. Spend plenty of time testing your SOLUTION and gather tons of social proof that what you're selling works. (They spent TONS of time assembling their workouts, putting test people in those workouts and documenting the results.)
    3. Animate the possibilities that become available to your prospects in their daily REALITY that weren't viable BEFORE they used (your SOLUTION here.)
    4. Generate a cult-mentality following/illusion. Insinuate your product or service is a phenomenon, revolution, innovation-leader, etc. This will MAKE people WANT to become a part of your movement... I use this trick ALL THE TIME!
    Thanks for the post Joe!


    P.S. I need to start the P90X program again. I lost ALL the results I had gained because of being too busy. And while I'm far from out of shape, it's TOTALLY true that when you're at your peak level of fitness, the creativity you harbor flows out of you like a vintage bottle of wine pours into a fine crystal glass.

    P.P.S. Check Great FREE workouts that often trump what P90X does. Even better, their high intensity interval training workouts - so you can get faster results from 15-20 minute workouts - instead of the hour that P90X asks of you...

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