5 Tips for Writing Powerful Sales Letters All the Time

by abugah
13 replies
Small improvements in your copy can increase its effectiveness. Take a look at these 5.

1. Do not avoid the hard work. ''Write at least 20 to 25 good headlines,'' says legendary copywriter Gary Bencivenga. Apparently, no matter how good you think your first headline is, the nineteenth or twenty-second is likely to be better.

2. Write headlines where lines have a complete kernel of thought.
For instance...
How Slash Your Total Cholesterol To 150 Or Below Naturally,

exhibits a complete kernel of thought while the same headline written this way does not.
How Slash Your Total

Cholesterol To 150 Or Below Naturally.

3. Write your copy in black against a white background. This is what the eye is used to; other design forms will depress response.

4. Never end page 1 of sales letter with a period. End it mid-sentence forcing the reader to move on to page 2. This increases readership and response.

5. When writing a guarantee, use one month instead of 30 days. ''One month is a longer time than thirty days.'' Says HERSCHELL GORDON LEWIS, in his book the Art of Writing Copy. In addition, half an hour sounds longer than thirty minutes, but sixty seconds seems shorter than one minute. This is a psychological key that controls human reaction.
#letters #powerful #sales #time #tips #writing
  • Profile picture of the author andynathan
    Great tips! Personally, I never write the headline right until the fiftieth time.

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  • Profile picture of the author DonaldGadson
    5. When writing a guarantee, use one month instead of 30 days. ‘‘One month is a longer time than thirty days.’’ Says HERSCHELL GORDON LEWIS, in his book the Art of Writing Copy. In addition, half an hour sounds longer than thirty minutes, but sixty seconds seems shorter than one minute. This is a psychological key that controls human reaction.

    This is a phenomenal tip! Thanks so much abugah

    These are secrets about College everyone is dying to know!

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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Copy
    Those are some great words of advice. After I write a few headlines I force myself to take an extended break and return to them at a later time. Thank you for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author masterz
    Great Tips,
    but permit me to ask, is anybody making mistake number 3?
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  • Profile picture of the author MoreThanWords
    wow great tips do you mind me writing an article about your tips?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordi
    This is good. Starting to do this kind of stuff and will be keeping them in the future of my writings.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chloe Emerson
    Tip number 1 is right on

    I write and write headlines until somewhere along the line silliness sets in - seems like the really good stuff comes shortly after
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  • Profile picture of the author LSAT Tutor
    Great tips. I espcecially like aegisisc's tips to break every offer down to benefits and value.
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    • Profile picture of the author Karson
      Originally Posted by masterz View Post

      Great Tips,
      but permit me to ask, is anybody making mistake number 3?
      Indeed I have... I think I'll go change a few things lol.

      I really like the one month compared to 30 days. That is an awesome tip!

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  • Profile picture of the author alfid
    These are excellent tips. I appreciate you sharing this. I also wonder if shorter is more effective than longer, because I myself get bored sifting through long sales letters. What's the point of them being so long?
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    • Profile picture of the author Karson
      Originally Posted by alfid View Post

      These are excellent tips. I appreciate you sharing this. I also wonder if shorter is more effective than longer, because I myself get bored sifting through long sales letters. What's the point of them being so long?
      I heard a theory that the higher the price of the item the more the potential customer will want to know. Hence... if your selling a jet and you send 30 pages of info... someone who is really interested in buying is going to read every bit of info on a purchase that big.

      As for lower priced items... idk. Up for debate... off topic though. So we shall make it a tip.

      If you are selling a REALLY high priced item... give as much info as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author buttonlife
    Great tips, I definitely like the usage of a larger measure of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Luuk Terhorst
    All good tips man, thanks for the share!
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