Do You Find This Headline Offensive?

by Quincy
18 replies
Here is the advert headline for a wso being advertised right now:

Here's the Unedited Ad Copy:
"Colonize Africa - Get Ready To Colonize The African Continent All Over Again ...This Time You Won't Be Shipping Home Slaves, You'll Be Carting Home Money..."

Here's My Response:
REALLY DUDE! This has to be one of the most racially insensitive ads & downright STUPID ad copy I've ever seen. I've directed many of my friends here to take a look & we are all amazed.

Why have no other warrior forum members commented on this? Your ad copy is insulting to the highest degree to intelligent people worldwide.

Do you really not SEE how insensitive you're being? Do you not see that your ad copy trivializes mass genocide for the sake of selling something.

I personally found this to be so incredibly offensive that I had to respond & post my disgust on that thread. I've decided to start a new thread here to both make other warriors aware of this post, and to see whether or not other people are equally offended.

I'm a long time warrior forum member who is rarely critical of anyone or anything. However I found this ad copy such an affront to my intelligence that I was compelled to publicly respond.

What's your opinion? Please post your honest opinion regarding the appropriateness/effectiveness of this advert here. I'd really be interested in hearing other warriors' opinions.
#find #headline #offensive
  • Profile picture of the author Ronald Nzimora
    I actually wrote that salesletter, and have sent you a PM.

    Read it and let me know what you think.

    - Ron
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  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    I have received a PM from Mr. Nzimora. He has acknowledged his offensiveness & poor judgement and apologized. I believe the apology was heartfelt and that he has learned from his mistake. I have also confirmed that the offensive language has been removed from the wso.

    I want to take this opportunity to, in kind, thank Mr. Nzimora for admitting this error and promptly taking action to correct it. I further believe that people will always make mistakes. After all, "To err is human."

    It is the caliber of the response to their mistake that reveals a person's character. IMO Mr. Nzimora's response demonstrates that he is a person of character who made a mistake and, more importantly, learned from that mistake.

    Thank you.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
      Originally Posted by Quincy View Post

      I have received a PM from Mr. Nzimora. He has acknowledged his offensiveness & poor judgement and apologized. I believe the apology was heartfelt and that he has learned from his mistake. I have also confirmed that the offensive language has been removed from the wso.
      Uh huh. And yet he has another WSO - "Mobile Wanker Pro System" - apparently inspired by an article on masturbation.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ronald Nzimora

        What can I say, this week my copy seems to be popular for all the wrong reasons.

        I'm removing that one too.

        If I offended anyone, please forgive.

        I mean no harm to anyone.



        Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

        Uh huh. And yet he has another WSO - "Mobile Wanker Pro System" - apparently inspired by an article on masturbation.
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      • Profile picture of the author Quincy
        You're Hilarious! I like the National Society of Sarcasm graphic, too. I want one.
        Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

        How much is it?
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    • Profile picture of the author Ronald Nzimora
      Hi Quincy,

      Thanks a lot for understanding.

      I appeal to everyone offended.
      It was all a mistake.

      Again, thanks Quincy.


      Originally Posted by Quincy View Post

      I have received a PM from Mr. Nzimora. He has acknowledged his offensiveness & poor judgement and apologized. I believe the apology was heartfelt and that he has learned from his mistake. I have also confirmed that the offensive language has been removed from the wso.

      I want to take this opportunity to, in kind, thank Mr. Nzimora for admitting this error and promptly taking action to correct it. I further believe that people will always make mistakes. After all, "To err is human."

      It is the caliber of the response to their mistake that reveals a person's character. IMO Mr. Nzimora's response demonstrates that he is a person of character who made a mistake and, more importantly, learned from that mistake.

      Thank you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6693757].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler

    Oh man, I always thought Ron was a good copywriter but that is off the charts ridiculous.
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6693788].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Quincy
      Thanks for the graphic, Eddie. That's really cool.

      From what I hear, Ron is actually a good copywriter. But even Lebron James has an off game, now & then.

      I guess there's a lesson in this for outsourcers, also - "Always double check the finished product BEFORE you use it." :rolleyes:
      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      Oh man, I always thought Ron was a good copywriter but that is off the charts ridiculous.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSalesBooster
    I agree that it's not very appropriate, but good on ron for acknowledging it and apologizing. Although I'm sure he knew what was going to happen with that kind of a headline. He sure knows how to write headlines that generate buzz.
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    • Profile picture of the author Quincy
      You might be right, TSB. Ron may indeed have written that intentionally to create a buzz.

      However, I really don't think so since now they have removed the entire wso temporarily to revamp the sales copy.

      Time will tell -- If we see any Jerry Sandusky or Colorado theater massacre ad copy from him, the we'll know this is his modus operandi.

      However, I really don't think that will happen. I still believe he made an honest mistake. My instincts are to give him the benefit of the doubt. As saying goes ... I will trust, but verify.

      Still as my grandma used to say, "True, I may have been born at night...but it wasn't last night." :p

      Originally Posted by TheSalesBooster View Post

      I agree that it's not very appropriate, but good on ron for acknowledging it and apologizing. Although I'm sure he knew what was going to happen with that kind of a headline. He sure knows how to write headlines that generate buzz.
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  • Profile picture of the author RavishingRajni
    i see lots of this stuff offline and online - have got used to it
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    • Profile picture of the author Quincy
      I hear you RR, and I do understand what you're saying. However, could it be that our growing "de-sensitization" to these affronts might be part of the reason why they continue to flourish? :confused:

      Originally Posted by RavishingRajni View Post

      i see lots of this stuff offline and online - have got used to it
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6694588].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RavishingRajni
        Originally Posted by Quincy View Post

        I hear you RR, and I do understand what you're saying. However, could it be that our growing "de-sensitization" to these affronts might be part of the reason why they continue to flourish? :confused:
        i totally agree with u
        feel free to PM me
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        • Profile picture of the author videolover7
          Polarity can be an effective technique in sales copy. As a marketer, you just have to ask yourself, "Who am I offending?" and weigh the cost.

          Good thing Hogan's Heroes was on TV so long ago, eh? In this day and age of "sensitivity" it never would have made it to TV. LOL

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          • Profile picture of the author virtualyan
            Here is the advert headline for a wso being advertised right now: Here's the Unedited Ad Copy: "Colonize Africa - Get Ready To Colonize The.
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          • Profile picture of the author Quincy
            As I understand it, "polarity" is dividing people into 2 or more distinct groups by having them either directly or indirectly affiliate themselves for or against (pro or con) an issue or a person - i.e. Obama vs. Romney, existence or nonexistence of the greenhouse effect, boxers vs. brief, et cetera.

            It works in marketing because people often fervently support their beliefs & preferences and marketers can easily capitalize off the viral traffic generated.

            However IMO, some issues are so inflammatory and morally offensive that they do not have pro & con sides and thus do not lend themselves to viral marketing opportunities.

            IMHO issues such as domestic violence, rape, genocide, pedophilia, incest and yes slavery among many others are example topics which fall into that category.

            When marketers trivialize the trauma created by these acts by whimsically referring to them in their ad copy simply in order to hawk a couple of widgets, then those marketers are perceived as extremely immature at best, and imbeciles and/or extremist at worst.

            It's unlikely that perception would help them increase sales.

            Originally Posted by videolover7 View Post

            Polarity can be an effective technique in sales copy. As a marketer, you just have to ask yourself, "Who am I offending?" and weigh the cost.

            Good thing Hogan's Heroes was on TV so long ago, eh? In this day and age of "sensitivity" it never would have made it to TV. LOL

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6698853].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author videolover7
              IMHO issues such as domestic violence, rape, genocide, pedophilia, incest and yes slavery among many others are example topics which fall into that category.

              When marketers trivialize the trauma created by these acts by whimsically referring to them in their ad copy simply in order to hawk a couple of widgets, then those marketers are perceived as extremely immature at best, and imbeciles and/or extremist at worst.

              It's unlikely that perception would help them increase sales.
              As you say, that's your opinion.

              Without access to the stats, however, we don't know whether those type of marketing campaigns increase sales or not.

              As an aside, some popular comedians use "off limits" topics successfully. Richard Pryor (no longer with us), Chris Rock, and Don Rickles come immediately to mind.

              It's one thing to be insensitive or offensive. It's quite another to be hateful or discriminatory.

              In marketing, sometimes the former is acceptable. The latter is never acceptable. (My opinion.)

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