by The Copy Nazi Banned
3 replies
Continuing my series of laughable promotions - this used to be on Clickwank -

then it morphed into - The Lotto Black Book! Secrets Exposed... (you need to wait for it to redirect and load)

Good laugh.

In the latter I can't get past the line in the deck "This is the bullet that the doctors took off his leg".

Shouldn't that read "...out of his leg"?

Dazed & Confused
#big #win
  • Profile picture of the author JohnWiz

    lol interesting... never seen it done like that before.
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  • Profile picture of the author colmodwyer
    Did this thing not crush? I've seen the "shot in the leg" lead quite a few times. It's a great story too...

    Grammar might be questionable, but I don't think English professors are the target market.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremey
      This is peanuts, considering what you'll win. After these 1,000 copies are sold, this ebook will be erased and never revealed again. Moreover, since I'm not in need of money, all the money that will be raised from here will be donated to build other libraries.
      ...Libraries that will not be carrying this book!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7155508].message }}

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