Looking for a good Anxiety Cure Sales letter

6 replies
Hi all,

I'm looking for a good (or better yet - GREAT) sales letter for Anxiety Cures.

Anyone know of one?


#anxiety #cure #good #letter #sales
  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    Originally Posted by Fred_Acker View Post

    Hi all,

    I'm looking for a good (or better yet - GREAT) sales letter for Anxiety Cures.

    Anyone know of one?


    I'll write you a Killer. But I charge.
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  • Profile picture of the author briancassingena
    Hey Fred,

    I had a quick look, found a few pages but nothing you'd expect from a decent copywriter or marketer. Maybe if you can find some, post links here and ask members to choose the best one....

    In the meantime you can study the elements of a great sales letter and simply apply them to your niche. Get swipe files. Find sales pages for products from Dan Kennedy, Trevor Crook, John Carlton, Gary Halbert, Michel Fortin, they will have been written by a world class copywriter.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[648891].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Fred_Acker
      Thanks Met and Brian.

      Met I can write my own and charge myself more than you could ever afford

      Brian I've done the studying part (still am and always will). I just can't seem to find a decent one for this niche.

      "I had a quick look, found a few pages but nothing you'd expect from a decent copywriter or marketer." <=== this was what led me to wf


      Right Now. What a wonderful time to start!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[649307].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
        Look at classic persona,l development display ads: public speaking,
        self confidence, "how to win friends", mind power.

        Eugene Schwartz wrote a lot of that stuff. Caples too, I think.
        Check out HardToFindAds, look at the ads that ran in comic
        books and martial arts magazines, etc... and take the format
        of a winning ad and adapt it to your offer.

        Any more specific than that and I charge.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[649378].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dean Dhuli
          Originally Posted by Fred_Acker View Post

          Hi all,

          I'm looking for a good (or better yet - GREAT) sales letter for Anxiety Cures.

          Anyone know of one?


          Maybe I do know of one in a connected niche. But if I post it here I could be
          accused of blatant self-promotion... or even spamming.

          So I'll give you a suggestion instead...

          You see, when you do get your hands on a couple of anxiety cure sales letters
          and compare them all, you'll find that a majority of elements in all of them
          are the same.

          Then what makes one letter convert at a higher rate than the other? Why does
          one letter convert at 6% while the other struggles to attain even 1% conversion?

          The difference here is... the story of the central character in your sales letter.

          This story should be something people can relate to easily. They should be able
          to find in it instances that happened in their own lives too. But still, it should
          also be exciting, new, special, refreshing, etc.

          So find out a unique story hidden in your product and you'll have done more than
          half of the job already.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[649568].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Fred_Acker
            Thanks Loren and Dean.

            Loren, I've been looking over some of those you mentioned. Thanks.


            "This story should be something people can relate to easily. They should be able to find in it instances that happened in their own lives too. But still, it should also be exciting, new, special, refreshing, etc."

            This is what I was looking for actually. The copy isn't for me. I'm just doing the design. But after reading the copy - it just wasn't right.

            So I was actually looking for something to show the writer. The problem came up when my search found absolutely nothing (or worse - crappy copy).

            I told the writer to tell his own story (which he did very well but mixed it in with hype).

            Thanks everyone.

            I appreciate the efforts.


            Right Now. What a wonderful time to start!

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