Benefits vs. Features in the Health Niche
I have an herbal remedy book I am promoting and I have a list of what the book goes into. Someone mentioned that my list are features and I need to put in benefits instead.
I'm a little stuck on how to discuss benefits with some of the ailments (ie. psoriasis, poison ivy, hangovers, etc). Below is the list I am using in my copy...
This guide goes over the best home remedies for some common ailments, including...
• High blood pressure - garlic and fish oil is good for this
• How your tube of toothpaste can be a ticket to clearing that annoying acne
• How oats, chocolate and lavender can help ease anxiety
• What cayenne and arnica can do for your arthritis
• Psyllium, flax seed & coffee can help get rid of constipation and get you feeling regular again
• Have a night on the town and now you have a bad hangover? Honey and willow bark is your answer
• How to calm down your nausea (peppermint, ginger)
• And much, much more!
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