Copywriting For Teens
So, I live with my aunt and my 16 year old cousin.
He's been extremely lazy lately (like most teens are

and his grades have been slipping.
So... being the best big cousin there is

Ban hammer down.
Christmas is coming and he has a rather lengthy X-mas list.
In order for him to get what he wants (xbox games, Ipods, shoes and everything that the stores have.)
He not only has to work for it and get good grades BUT, he has to write a presentation via Power Point explain why he should get it and why and how it will benefit 'us' as a family, economically and what he's willing to do for it in return.
I'm willing to help him construct his presentations and what not. I feel that if he does this that it will benefit him greatly. Not only school but for what ever it is he decides to do in life.
Any suggestions?
"If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."
BenPalmerWilson Copywriting
"If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."