Copywriting For Teens

12 replies
Hey Warriors,

So, I live with my aunt and my 16 year old cousin.

He's been extremely lazy lately (like most teens are )
and his grades have been slipping.

So... being the best big cousin there is I've put the
Ban hammer down.

Christmas is coming and he has a rather lengthy X-mas list.

In order for him to get what he wants (xbox games, Ipods, shoes and everything that the stores have.)

He not only has to work for it and get good grades BUT, he has to write a presentation via Power Point explain why he should get it and why and how it will benefit 'us' as a family, economically and what he's willing to do for it in return.

I'm willing to help him construct his presentations and what not. I feel that if he does this that it will benefit him greatly. Not only school but for what ever it is he decides to do in life.

Any suggestions?
#copywriting #teens
  • Profile picture of the author JakeDaly
    You sure he ain't smoking that reefer? I was smoking the reefer at his age and my grades started to slip, too. He'll get over that stage.

    While your plan seems well-intentioned, it also seems kinda lame and could backfire pretty easily with a rebellious teen. Might even make him smoke more reefer. Just tell him to stop being a dipsh*t. Most well-intentioned parents(or in your case, cousins) don't realize a talk man to man and a good slap up the head, reminding him not to be a dipsh*t, trumps whatever awkward, new-wave parenting technique they're teaching in the books these days.

    He'll be fine. Good luck, brother.
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by JakeDaly View Post

      You sure he ain't smoking that reefer? I was smoking the reefer at his age
      Say it isn't so Jake.

      When I was 16, I was already working in the coal mines. 24 hour days with very little sleep.

      I was so poor I was living in an old box car along the CSX tracks in Wheeling, W.V.

      Early one morning I was awakened to feel the box car moving. Guess they had decided to start using the car again...I ended up in White Plains New Mexico.

      Homeless and nowhere to go, I joined the circus.

      Having no real talents at the time, I became a fire juggler. Most of my pictures around that time show me with no eyebrows and very little hair.

      I caught on quickly, and soon was promoted to taking care of the chimps that did the bicycle act. Working with chimps on a daily basis gave me the building blocks to better understand people.

      I soon began marketing peanuts. From there I branched out to cotton candy...the rest is history.

      Disclaimer: This story is not true. Your results may vary.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7459224].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeremey
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Disclaimer: This story is not true. Your results may vary.
        Ya got me Max...ya got me...

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7460121].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jeremey
          I admit the post title made me think this was about writing copy FOR teens...As in writing a sales letter to help them clean up their room or avoid curfew.

          I read this thread right before I sat my toddler on the potty this morning, I had to laugh...Came up with the absurd thought of writing a sales letter that could persuade toddlers to get potty trained...

          A few "admittedly stinky" headline ideas:

          They Laughed When I Whipped My Diaper Off And Ran Around The House Buck-Naked!
          ...But I had the last laugh when I returned from preschool with a clean pair of big-boy underwear and the awe and respect of my peers!

          Leave the "Huggies" To Nana!
          The Three Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW To Get The Praises, Tickles, and Kisses YOU Deserve...
          And Eliminate The Shame of "Stinky Butt" Forever!"

          Ah well...that was bad...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7460555].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Say it isn't so Jake.

        When I was 16, I was already working in the coal mines. 24 hour days with very little sleep.

        I was so poor I was living in an old box car along the CSX tracks in Wheeling, W.V.

        Early one morning I was awakened to feel the box car moving. Guess they had decided to start using the car again...I ended up in White Plains New Mexico.

        Homeless and nowhere to go, I joined the circus.

        Having no real talents at the time, I became a fire juggler. Most of my pictures around that time show me with no eyebrows and very little hair.

        I caught on quickly, and soon was promoted to taking care of the chimps that did the bicycle act. Working with chimps on a daily basis gave me the building blocks to better understand people.

        I soon began marketing peanuts. From there I branched out to cotton candy...the rest is history.

        Disclaimer: This story is not true. Your results may vary.
        Since it's not true, I reckon I'd get the same results.:<)

        "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7469279].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author highlander11
    Yea, seems like a waste of labor. All that energy in convincing his parents to give him and xbox, could be spend earning income, like at a store or like you suggested online.

    The total net revenue of the household would go up if he himself was earning.

    However, I don't think he is lazy rather it sounds like he doesn't have anyone to show him the way. The one thing about kids and teens, is that they are not born knowing everything. Don't forget Donald Trump's dad was having him work for him at age 4 and Sean Parker was already programming at age 7.

    Have him help you out with blog writing, or scanning the video game market. For his grades hire an online tutor.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7457872].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
      Originally Posted by highlander11 View Post

      Yea, seems like a waste of labor. All that energy in convincing his parents to give him and xbox, could be spend earning income, like at a store or like you suggested online.

      The total net revenue of the household would go up if he himself was earning.

      However, I don't think he is lazy rather it sounds like he doesn't have anyone to show him the way. The one thing about kids and teens, is that they are not born knowing everything. Don't forget Donald Trump's dad was having him work for him at age 4 and Sean Parker was already programming at age 7.

      Have him help you out with blog writing, or scanning the video game market. For his grades hire an online tutor.
      You know what, that's an excellent idea. I'll have him do that.

      He's not on pot lol - the house we live in has been in our family for over 34 years. my grandfather built this house and we live 6 acres. I'm a country boy and so is my cousin. We know what hard work is believe me.

      His grades are slipping but not all that much to be realistic. one whole grade the most on a couple of classes but it is a big deal since he is a straight A student.

      thank for the advice!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7460538].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
    dam you Max! I was waiting to hear how you got away from that LOL
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7460521].message }}
  • Originally Posted by Anthony La Tour View Post

    Hey Warriors,

    So, I live with my aunt and my 16 year old cousin.

    He's been extremely lazy lately (like most teens are )
    and his grades have been slipping.

    So... being the best big cousin there is I've put the
    Ban hammer down.

    Christmas is coming and he has a rather lengthy X-mas list.

    In order for him to get what he wants (xbox games, Ipods, shoes and everything that the stores have.)

    He not only has to work for it and get good grades BUT, he has to write a presentation via Power Point explain why he should get it and why and how it will benefit 'us' as a family, economically and what he's willing to do for it in return.

    I'm willing to help him construct his presentations and what not. I feel that if he does this that it will benefit him greatly. Not only school but for what ever it is he decides to do in life.

    Any suggestions?

    An Xbox? Do what Jake said, and slap that sunnovabitch! Tell him to get a PS3 instead!

    Haha, but seriously; Jake's got the right idea. All that new-age crap doesn't work. I get most motivated into changing when someone tells it to me straight. "You're doing this, and messing this up. This is what will happen if you carry on. You want that?"

    The presentation thing is a lame idea. Sorry man, but it's the truth. Give him a man to man talk, and cut the crap.

    50% converting squeeze pages, 12% converting WSO's, and more...
    BenPalmerWilson Copywriting
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7466264].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
      Originally Posted by CharismaticMannequin View Post

      An Xbox? Do what Jake said, and slap that sunnovabitch! Tell him to get a PS3 instead!

      Haha, but seriously; Jake's got the right idea. All that new-age crap doesn't work. I get most motivated into changing when someone tells it to me straight. "You're doing this, and messing this up. This is what will happen if you carry on. You want that?"

      The presentation thing is a lame idea. Sorry man, but it's the truth. Give him a man to man talk, and cut the crap.

      Will do... I have a 18 year old straight razor belt that belonged to my grandfather... Im in pain when I see it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7466367].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jerome Y
    I think you have to make him see and list out WHY he wants those things.

    If you can get that out of him and make him realise how badly he wants those things and then he will work for them without you telling him to.
    Make Money By Sharing Cool Apps with Friends! No Selling involved, PM me for details!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7466490].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
      "Anything going on? I'm just wondering why your grades are slipping." And, wait until he answers.


      "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

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