What the heck are they selling?

by 6 replies
Are they selling steak...

Or are they the ninja vodoo masters who know a dang about ad-making?

What the *BEEP* are they selling?

YouTube - Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4
For me, its a first in ads selling products of this segment. Maybe you have seen more... Let me know

#copywriting #heck #selling
  • Bitchin commercial

    IMO they are selling prestige.

    At that price point customers don't necessarily care about steak. They want sizzle.

    Case in point - the thing can go 200 MPH+ , but how many times will they go over 150 with it?
    • [1] reply
    • nice!

      Agree w/ Justin, it's the ultra-cool atmosphere of one who can afford one of these things.

      People buy based on emotion, logic is only there to back up the decision.

      Smart ad, in my opinion. Wish I had one of these.
  • Interesting ad, sure would love to drive one of those things. But a warning:

    If you try to copy any elements from this ad, you will make zero sales. This is a terrible example of selling, it's meant to be cute, clever, smart, all those things. This is pure agency stuff, the manufacturer would have loved this ad, but I guarantee this ad would make zero impact on the bottom line. (Although considering how much they would have spent on it...)

    My guess is this market doesn't need too much selling to convince them to buy the car. They want a lamborghini and they're buying one. The ad is just pure egotism and a way for the ad agency to keep their client for another few months.
  • I agree with Brian. You are looking here at BRAND. No one who is thinking
    about buying this car is thinking about gas mileage or insurance costs.

    At these cost level it's pure ego, status, pride, statement of success.
    Selling to the rich is a little different to selling to the poor.

    -Ray Edwards
    • [1] reply
    • Absolutley Ray, although I would prefer you didn't use the 'B' word here...

      The rich usually get rich by selling something, so they know a sales pitch and are more resistant. Of course that doesn't mean they can't be sold to, they can and should. But marketing to the affluent is a whole different area.
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