Please could someone review my review?

3 replies
I have written a review at:
How to get rid of spots - Acne no More Review Life Changing Blog

Please could someone take a look at and make sure it sounds natural, but also promotes the product?

Thank You

--Sam Kennedy
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Lam
    Alright, since no one wanted to come out and say it, let me take one for the team.

    Sam, you need to start learning these things on your own. Do some actual reading. Invest in yourself by purchasing some copywriting tutorials/materials. All I've seen from you is you requesting help over and over again. This forum is about getting help and giving help. That's a big "AND" no matter what font size you use.

    You're getting free training and material from EXCELLENT copywriters that could be charging you thousands of dollars. You know this and it feels like you're just taking advantage of us.

    We all have to make a living. We love helping people, that's why we're here, but we can't keep giving handouts. It comes to an end at some point. Show us a sign that you're doing all you can. Show us that you're spending time actually learning this stuff, not just guessing and throwing stuff together hoping that it works.

    Anyway, as for your review, my first suggestion is not to link to it from here. At the bottom of the review is a trackback from the WF asking for a review of your review. Doesn't look very good.

    Break up the content with subtitles - use h2/h3. Use a few anchor text for "Acne no More {Review|eBook|etc}". Use images to help with both visual appeal and for SEO purposes. Make sure any "click here" text IS clickable.

    I know it sounds like I had a bad day; I didn't. I just want you to respect our time and most of all, learn to TRUST YOURSELF! Learn the basics and build it up. Get the experience by reading and writing, re-writing and re-writing. We cannot be here for everything to criticize them. If that's what you want, find a mentor who is willing to do that whether for free or for a fee. A lot of us cannot keep doing that for free. There's too many people here to help to concentrate on just one person everyday.

    Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author SamstaUK
      Thankyou for being honest

      I really feel like I need to give something back to the WF, but I haven't yet figured out what I can do. I'll think of something.

      Would you be able to recommend some tutorials,books or ebooks about copywriting, so I can start figuring this stuff out for myself instead of pestering people here?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Lam
    Hi Sam,

    There are plenty of places. One of my favorite is The Total Package . Do try to look up other great marketers/copywriters like Yanik Silver, Dan Kennedy and so on. I HIGHLY recommend you go to the book store and look for Joe Sugarman's "THE ADWEEK COPYWRITING HANDBOOK." It's hands-down one of the best copywriting books I've ever read.

    Do keep in mind that I'm not saying to NEVER ask for help. Do come back when you need it. Don't be afraid to ask just because I'm here. I'm just trying to give you a little more reason to trust yourself and believe in your own skills.

    And on another note, get out of the habit if thinking "knowledge is power." It's BS. Knowledge is only potential power. You need to harness and apply that knowledge before anything ever happens.
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