Your Video Has 2 Seconds...

7 replies
This study shows that people start dropping off after 2 seconds of waiting for a video to load. I can think of 2 "must do" things related to this information:

1. Use the cloud with RTMP to ensure you load as fast as possible all over the world.
2. Have some compelling copy to task them to wait for it to load.

Study: Streaming Video Viewers Lose Patience After 2 Seconds « CBS Connecticut
#seconds #video
  • Profile picture of the author DavidG
    Yeah, I was talking to Daniel yesterday about something similar this and it turns out that a headline, a POWERFUL headline can keep them engaged while they wait...

    And of course, having an image saying "please wait 2 seconds while it loads" helps.

    I also recently saw some VSL's that have a random sound play as soon as you land on the page to keep the prospect awake while the video loads.

    I'll try to find the link and posted later.

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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    Nothing earth-shattering about these findings. People don't like to wait for a video to load. But not even two seconds!? One Mississippi, two Mississippi.
    What we found was that people are pretty patient for up to two seconds
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    • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
      Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

      Nothing earth-shattering about these findings. People don't like to wait for a video to load. But not even two seconds!? One Mississippi, two Mississippi.
      ADD on steroids.
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  • Profile picture of the author kencalhn
    i give entire sites no more than 5 seconds to grab my attention and instantly establish value and credibility; and right re 2-5 seconds for video is all I'll wait
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  • Profile picture of the author Studio13
    I can only speak truth by relating from my personal experience...

    If I purposely seek a piece of information and load a video about it, I'm willing to give it at least 15 seconds to judge the video. Couple of things I'm looking for in the video... the primary one being competency of the author. I can forgive low video quality, powerpoint video presentations, over branding the video with their logo, etc. But wasting my time is a death sentence.

    So 2 seconds....? Eh, seems a little extreme. I'd say 10-15 seconds to catch my attention. Now KEEPING my attention, another story entirely.
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    • Profile picture of the author ERPLeadsWriter
      I can be a little guilty of this myself but if it helps, I'm more inclined to blame an ISP or the hosting site than you. More importantly though, I choose to save the link and watch it some place with better bandwidth. If I was your target viewer, you shouldn't lose hope just yet. :p

      You think we can use copywriting to encourage similar behavior? :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Geer
    I know people have short attention spans from a web design/development stand point but 2 seconds? That's a tad insane..

    I imagine a lot of people don't go to YouTube then where there's 5-30 second unskippable ads sometimes. Then again, usually when those come up I just go to another video, because I hate mandatory overlay in-stream ads.

    From the site

    “If you start out with, say, 100 users — if the video hasn’t started in five seconds, about one-quarter of those viewers are gone, and if the video doesn’t start in 10 seconds, almost half of those viewers are gone.”
    Well, it's not nearly as bad as I thought. 10 seconds is pretty bad for a video to load.

    Skype: Coreygeer319

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