My First Squeeze Page - Thoughts?

58 replies
Could I just get some feedback on my first squeeze page?

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It's not to intense, I don't have optimize press, but I think it promotes opt-ins....I hope!
#page #squeeze #thoughts
  • Profile picture of the author m00d
    I think it looks fantastic! I have nothing bad to say...
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  • Profile picture of the author adsassist
    Here is an idea on what it should look like.

    If you would like I can explain the reasons why.
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    • Profile picture of the author andyjbenson
      Originally Posted by adsassist View Post

      Here is an idea on what it should look like.

      If you would like I can explain the reasons why.
      I agree with this example. Needs to be simple, attention grabbing and everything visible!

      Your page has too much info on it, no real focus, and the opt in is below the fold. Many people wont even get to that point of scrolling down to see it and this will hammer your opt in rate.

      Don't be downhearted by the comments you're getting here though! It's all great advice and you should give yourself a pat on the back for getting one done! It's further than a lot of people get buddy!

      Looking forward to seeing the tweaked version soon!

      Andy Benson
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    • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
      Now that's what I'm talking about! You see what Adsassist has done is take your squeeze page to a new level. It's all about maximizing your conversions. Give customers a reason to stay on the web page and make it interesting.

      Originally Posted by adsassist View Post

      Here is an idea on what it should look like.

      If you would like I can explain the reasons why.
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  • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
    Good job for getting something up.

    A few things I noticed is that I would lose the navigation and website and make the landing page headline the main event. I would also make it bigger and center it. I would make the page more narrow so that my eyes could see the page more easily.

    I saw a page today that is more like I'm talking about, here it is
    SLOA - *LETTER* - A

    As an example of what I mean about making it more narrow and having the headline as the only thing on the top to get their attention.
    44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

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    • Profile picture of the author meepmeep
      Originally Posted by TopKat22 View Post

      Good job for getting something up.

      I saw a page today that is more like I'm talking about, here it is
      SLOA - *LETTER* - A
      Another thing the page does well is the darker background helps keep the eyes focused on the content.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonnjon
    Looks good .. lets just guess that it gets the job done.. Just one thing to add.. ur page title is wayyyy too long.. try optimizing it to ur best keywords
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  • Profile picture of the author GuruGuna
    Sorry to say but this is not a squeeze page. You have to remove a lot of information.

    When I landed on your page, there was no focus.

    Your conversion rate will be low.

    Keep it simple.

    One message that heightens curiosity.

    Then a few points to make it worse for the reader...

    then bang bang... sign here to get your report...

    That's all.

    Keep it simple.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSalesBooster
    You should be posting this in the copywriting section. You have a better shot at getting responses from people who know what it takes to make a good squeeze page.

    If you're asking this question on the main forum you might as well be asking your grandma if she thinks it's a good squeeze page...

    With that being said. It's not a good squeeze page...
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    Of everything you need to fix the number one thing is to put the opt-in form above the fold.

    Right now, I can see your headline, the ebook cover and some copy, but I see nowhere to put my email until I scroll down.

    Either use shorter hot copy at the top followed by an opt-in and then another opt-in at the bottom if the copy is long, or use a right side bar and put an opt-in there so it is visible at the top of the page.

    I think the headline could be stronger. It sounds a little ordinary and a little unclear about what you mean break through with these reasons. Maybe something like:

    Seven reasons they don't tell you will stop your weight loss cold

    The seven real reasons you can't lose weight and why no one tells you

    It's not your fault! Seven things they don't tell you that stop you from losing weight.

    Make the copy assure them it isn't their fault. The reason they fail is these seven secrets they don't know. Talk about a "they" who don't want them to know or haven't told them these reasons.

    The copy looks good, but I actually think the page layout would look better with the copy in the main body and then a picture of the ebook with the opt-in form underneath in a right sidebar.

    It is set up like this on your blog posts so it shouldn't be hard to do the same thing with the squeeze page. but you really want that opt-in form above the fold.

    Also, for a squeeze page you do not want comments or social share buttons. So turn them all off. You aren't trying to get Google love with a squeeze page you want to limit traffic to one option: opt-in. (or leave but then you'll grab 'em with an exit-pop)

    You don't want them getting distracted by writing comments or thinking about what social site they could be visiting instead.

    That's just for your squeeze page. For your regular blog posts you will want comments and social sharing, of course.

    I would also remove the top menu. You can promote your blog in your follow up and.or send the opt-in traffic to your blog home page upon success.

    Again, you don't want them seeing the menu and surfing around your site before they opt-in.

    You have opt-in forms on your blog and your blog will get natural traffic from Google and your marketing efforts.

    Your squeeze page is a specific page to grab email opt-ins to build your list and promote your blog. You will direct specific traffic to your squeeze differently than your blog and you want that traffic to take different actions when they land on your squeeze compared to your blog.

    It looks good, I just think the layout could be better, (especially putting the opt-in above the fold), and you could close some traffic leaks by removing other visitor click options like comments and external links.


    EDIT: And AdsAssist proves a picture is worth 1,000 words...
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  • Profile picture of the author ochaim
    Great advice from OnSubie.

    Just one point I'd like to make is the bullet point list, these are usually your major selling points. Make them look as such. Add some small checkmark graphic maybe to highlight that they are selling points.

    The headline/ebook cover/copy layout looks pretty sparse. Having the bullet points next to the cover and tighten the layout of the headline, maybe with 2 or 3 breaks so you don't have the headline going across almost the full length of the post will also make it a bit easier to read through.

    Like others have said, all the navigation, social stuff, is really distracting and will typically drive opt-in rates down. Unless you have a plugin like instabuilder where you can build a squeeze page that allows you to create a page without navigation or other normal blog elements, maybe try it in html.

    Good luck with it though, at least you're trying and willing to throw it up here for feedback.

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  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    Far too big, and too much information. This needs to be clear that it is only to get people to sign up.

    You want it to be immediately obvious where to enter your contact details, so that means the box should probably be above the fold (so you can see it when the screen loads).

    It should look like some effort has gone into it - I don't mean to sound unkind, but think you need it to look engaging. Ask yourself if it wasn't you page whether you would enter your details or click away?

    If you want to see one that I think you should try to copy, look at the link in my signature.

    All the social buttons need to go, as do the menus and comments box. You can get plugins to do this for you, if you have a search around.

    In the benefits - 'my favorite tools for tracking my diet' - Good for you - how does that benefit your reader?

    I think you will see the difference straight away. It shouldn't look like it's part of a site, else people may navigate away from it, which isn't the point of it.

    If you want some pointers, PM me, and I'll help.

    Martin Platt

    Stuck with earning commissions online? Get this get this uncensored affiliate marketing guide for free (sold as coaching for $4,997)

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  • Profile picture of the author nocturnal911
    Its not good at all, as adsassist said, you need something like that to get better optins.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    This is not a squeeze page in the true sense of the word. It's simply a page on your blog with an optin form on it.

    It has far too many outward pointing links and far too many distractions to be a squeeze page. You will lose a lot of conversions because of that.

    1. Your page should have no links on it whatsoever, apart from some faint links down the very bottom linking to your legal pages.

    2. Your optin form should be above the fold meaning people should see it the moment they land on your page, without having to scroll down.

    3. Lose the comment form at the bottom of the page.

    4. Get rid of all the twitter and facebook and other share buttons. They are just unnecessary distractions.

    5. Remove the header and all header links.

    6. Put more padding between your text and the edges of the site. Your content is a little too wide for a squeeze page.
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    • Profile picture of the author GlenH
      I agree with WillR....

      Yours is not even close to being a squeeze page.

      There's just so much wrong with it (sorry to be blunt)

      I've been using a squeeze page format /design for over 3years that's be giving me a 59% to 74% optin rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kerkhofssupport
    A good headline with some cool graphics is all you need in the fitness/weightloss niche.

    Take a look at your top competitors and see how they are doing it.

    remember; the weightloss and fitness niche is a very visible market.

    good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronMeagher
    I would never have comments on a Squeeze page. Comments are a distraction to visitors. They need to be focused on information that gets them to sign up, nothing else!
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  • Profile picture of the author Edk
    I feel that what should hit people right off the bat is your offer. So a challenging headline that grabs them will be more meaningful than the name of the company. I may be wrong so switch them around as a test. (By the way, I just went to the landing page without reading other comments so as not to be affected too much by others' comments.)
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  • Profile picture of the author NewRiseDigital
    Shannon has it totally 100%. Don't sweat creating design stuff that's already been worked out before. Install WordPress, buy OptimizePress and install the theme. It's a no brainer way to create proven squeeze page designs in minutes. Instead of spending the time creating your squeeze pages manually, you'll have your time freed up for actually generating and converting leads.
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    • Profile picture of the author art72
      Sorry to cast another negative vote... not seeing it having much with that layout.

      Originally Posted by InternetBusinessKickStart View Post

      Shannon has it totally 100%. Don't sweat creating design stuff that's already been worked out before. Install WordPress, buy OptimizePress and install the theme. It's a no brainer way to create proven squeeze page designs in minutes. Instead of spending the time creating your squeeze pages manually, you'll have your time freed up for actually generating and converting leads.
      While I am an OptimizePress user, this advice is NOT necessarily good advice.

      If the OP (*Original Poster) were to buy & use OP (*OptimizePress) as mentioned... YES, it would make an awesome squeeze page template, no doubt.

      However, the entire website would need to be restructured to work as an OptimizePress blog layout, and would change the entire structuring of the website itself.

      Obviously, if the OP (*original poster) likes his/her current theme, then adding another theme such as; (OptimizePress) is not an option. Thus, he/she would need to create the opt-in within the structure of the existing theme.


      Simply use a pre-designed web form from AWeber for now, and paste that thing on your homepage as a widget!!!
      Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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      • Profile picture of the author higherluv
        There are two best ways to have optin forms for list building, both of which you're not using.

        Optimize Press is a good way to go about it if you want to do the squeeze page thing. There are many templates and many ways that you can customize it so there should not be a problem "blending in" with the crowd if everyone in the world started using OP.

        Anyways, that's the first stage - to revamp your squeeze page.

        If you do have a following already, if you are a supercraft content writer by nature, or have something else that's awesome to give by the way of content, then I suggest putting an optin form in 2 places: to the top right and to the bottom of a content-rich page (unlike how you got it right now).

        Use a little preselling in that form.

        That said, continuing with the squeeze page route...

        You need to work on your headline. You have a benefit, followed by a problem all crunched in 18 or so words (I didn't count...) in two lines hardly any distance apart. No good.

        Make your font larger and in a different font than times new roman. I think I use Verdanda on my ones? And replace "seven" with "7".

        A headline such as "Discover 7 Tips to [thing that the visitor wants to achieve] in [specific time frame... or just say "in little time"] even if [in spite of having this or being this, etc - so a challenge of some sort] could do the trick. This is benefit-influenced, unlike the mixed version you have.

        Don't worry too much with the bullet points, people hardly read them (I didn't)... follow the two steps above, and you'll have a pretty decent squeeze page to start with at least.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    On my netbook it's all over the place, doesn't fit to screen, this isn't usually a problem when I visit other sites or squeeze pages.

    Remove the links to other pages at the top, you don't want them to be able to click away. Get rid of the Facebook like button and tweet button, your job is to get them signed up to your list so there's no need to distract them further.

    The opt in box is hidden away down on the bottom of the page. It should be above the fold.

    You need to remove the comments section at the bottom.

    In short: it's pretty bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author jvm127
    I agree with what others have said about the page needing to be more focused. It also needs an immediate call to action - that somehow the user will lose out if they don't get this report NOW.

    Don't let these reviews of your page get you down. Taking action is the key to everything. Let's be honest, you usually suck the first time you try anything new. You have to get that first time out of the way. I've done all kinds of different businesses both online and off and I've learned almost everything I needed to know by sucking then fixing the problems. Your page is great for a first time! Now make it awesome and keep on tweaking!
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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    It's not a squeeze page as stated above.

    Also, there is not one concrete way to create a squeeze page. There are many different styles you could choose from. The only way to tell which kind is best for your audience is to test.
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    1. If you wanted opinions on design > should be in the webdesign forum.
    2. If you wanted opinion on your copy (text) > should be in the copywriting forum.
    3. All those that "congratulate" you are lying - they just want to spam the forum with their links.
    4. It sucks (your page).

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  • Profile picture of the author David Raybould

    This isn't going to get it done. The goal is
    to get opt ins, not simply have a page with
    an opt in form, right?

    In that case, this page will not work.

    Sorry. Congrats on getting it up, now it's
    time to make something happen.

    1- An opt in page should all be above
    the fold. If your visitors have to even think
    about touching that mouse wheel, you lose.

    2-Your headline is awful. A headline should
    reach out of the screen, grab them by the
    throat and force them to take notice
    of the page. They should find it so compelling
    that they can't not read it. Yours is too
    generic, unexciting, and doesn't actually make
    much sense.

    3- Your page is too wide. If you're asking a
    visitor to read text on your page and take
    actions, best practice is to keep the text to
    less than 700px across.

    4- Every single link pointing away from your
    page is an opportunity for your visitor to leave.
    If you want them to subscribe, don't give them
    any option but that.

    5- Your copy is unexciting. Put yourself in your
    visitor's shoes... is what you've written there
    really going to get her so riled up that she
    actively wants to give you her email address?
    If the answer is no, you've still got work to do.

    There are more, but that's all I have time for.

    Good luck with it.

    -David Raybould
    Killer Emails. Cash-spewing VSLs. Turbocharged Landing Pages.

    Whatever you need, my high converting copy puts more money in your pocket. PM for details. 10 years experience and 9 figure revenues.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Hi Zach - it really, really isn't a squeeze page. Put me down as in agreement with Will, Istvan and David (posts #12, 22 and 23 above), and good luck with the alterations!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    With just a few clicks navigating away from your "squeeze page" to other pages on your site, I can see that your free report is probably going to be pitching a teambeachbody affiliate program.

    like mentioned above, it's definitively not a squeeze page.

    get rid of every single internal link, the menubar up top, the non affiliated thesis link, and the wp-admin link in the footer. Personally, I'd do away with the social media links also.

    the only way you want people leaving your squeeze page is by exiting it or opting in.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Rbtmarshall View Post

      Personally, I'd do away with the social media links also.
      Oh yes ... this: definitely - social media links have no place on a squeeze page!

      (I think it's very debatable whether they have any place on other pages of your site, too: one needs to think about whether those really come across to visitors as being "for their benefit" or "for your benefit").
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    What's with all these 'congrats for getting it up' type posts? It's hardly an incredible feat. The basic foundations of making money online line involves having a website, it's a pretty simple and essential thing to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    um yeah the copy is too wide man, I would shorten the copy so that it doesn't stretch all the way across the page like that. Make the headline bigger and have the optin form at the top.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author kaymehelp
    I wouldn't call that a squeez page, why? because it's a simple page from your blog, it must not having any kind of links, also don't put the email catcher in the foot page, it has to be in the right
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    (I think it's very debatable whether they have any place on other pages of your site, too: one needs to think about whether those really come across to visitors as being "for their benefit" or "for your benefit").
    You don't think social media sharing buttons are needed on websites?
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by RockingLastsForever View Post

      You don't think social media sharing buttons are needed on websites?
      I'm biased: I've never had (nor wanted) them on any of my sites.

      (Especially those poxy "floating" ones that sometimes get in the way of your cursor.)

      When I see them on others' sites, they come across to me as something that's there for their benefit, not for mine. And naturally, as a visitor, I feel more comfortable on websites which look as if they've been designed for my benefit rather than for their owner's. That's not unreasonable is it? :confused:

      But I'm sure they're out of place on a squeeze page!
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      • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        I'm biased: I've never had (nor wanted) them on any of my sites.

        (Especially those poxy "floating" ones that sometimes get in the way of your cursor.)

        When I see them on others' sites, they come across to me as something that's there for their benefit, not for mine. And naturally, as a visitor, I feel more comfortable on websites which look as if they've been designed for my benefit rather than for their owner's. That's not unreasonable is it? :confused:

        But I'm sure they're out of place on a squeeze page!
        I could be wrong but don't some of those buttons make it easy for visitors to share the information their reading with a push of a button?

        I see that as a big benefit and worth having for my future visitors

        Also on the squeeze page - not a bad start just keep improving it and see other examples of high converting squeeze pages.
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      • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        I'm biased: I've never had (nor wanted) them on any of my sites.

        (Especially those poxy "floating" ones that sometimes get in the way of your cursor.)

        When I see them on others' sites, they come across to me as something that's there for their benefit, not for mine. And naturally, as a visitor, I feel more comfortable on websites which look as if they've been designed for my benefit rather than for their owner's. That's not unreasonable is it? :confused:

        But I'm sure they're out of place on a squeeze page!
        There's no need for them on a squeeze page, definitely not.

        But on a blog or website I think they ARE needed. I want people to share my content, it's free publicity for me and people enjoy sharing (most) things with their friends. Everyone is crazy for social media these days, so why not have them?

        I can't imagine anyone being annoyed by there being an option to share the content they are reading.

        Not sure what type of niches you're in that it would be frowned upon.
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  • Profile picture of the author +newportone
    concur with the othes , good job
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  • Profile picture of the author sabatek
    Originally Posted by zspuckl View Post

    Could I just get some feedback on my first squeeze page?

    FREE Report

    It's not to intense, I don't have optimize press, but I think it promotes opt-ins....I hope!

    Oh no sweetie that is not a squeeze page... A squeeze page has to have 3 things... 2 really: Headline and Optin Box. So in your face it is all you see. The 3rd could have a check list of what's behind the "door". But not needed. LESS IS MORE.
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    • Profile picture of the author weigemeiser
      Originally Posted by sabatek View Post

      Oh no sweetie that is not a squeeze page... A squeeze page has to have 3 things... 2 really: Headline and Optin Box. So in your face it is all you see. The 3rd could have a check list of what's behind the "door". But not needed. LESS IS MORE.
      It's always great to take that first step. I applaud you for taking it. I personally don't even want to touch designing because I have no creativity and am not artistic. I admire you for designing it.

      I agree with Sabatek. One reason "less is more" with squeeze page is that if you give away too much information, it's likely that the viewer might have no interest in it and go away without leaving contact information. The objective of squeeze page is to get people to opt in.

      Have a catchy headline that arouses curiosity and gets people to opt in. Even if they have no interests in whatever it is that they see next (a sales page?), at least you have a subscriber.

      Use a html page so the viewer cannot go elsewhere on your website.

      I also agree that you have to move the opt-in box higher that people can see it without scrolling down.
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      • Profile picture of the author Birdi
        my opinion,

        it's not a squeeze page/Landing page...

        In order to have a squeeze page you would need the following:

        1. A headline that grabs the attention highlighting a problem in your niche.

        2. bullet points on what solutions you can offer to the problem.

        3. some copy telling them what to do next.

        4. offer a free gift, that entices the potential customer to give their details in return for the gift.

        5. make sure the optin is above the fold ( above your bottom half of your monitor display)

        6. a Call to action asking for what ever details you wish most commonly email.

        Optimize press is awesome and converts quite well, i would suggest investing in it but that's your choice. Remember keep it simple.

        Click Here To Learn How To Generate Your First PayCheck Online!
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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by MKCookins View Post

          I could be wrong but don't some of those buttons make it easy for visitors to share the information their reading with a push of a button?

          I see that as a big benefit and worth having for my future visitors .
          We disagree, on this point, then: I see that as primarily a rationalization.

          Call me a skepchick but I think that that ability of visitors to "share the information they're reading" is actually designed to help the website owner, not the visitors.
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          • Profile picture of the author WillR
            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

            We disagree, on this point, then: I see that as primarily a rationalization.

            Call me a skepchick but I think that that ability of visitors to "share the information they're reading" is actually designed to help the website owner, not the visitors.

            And why would someone ever want to share a squeeze page when they themselves have no opted in yet and do not know how good or bad the content being promised is?

            If you want to have share buttons then put them on the download page or the page where you give people the freebie or information you promised. That way they can share your page after consuming the freebie. It makes much more sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Optimize Press is good for squeeze and sales pages but the blog part of it is not ideal.
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  • Profile picture of the author jivens
    There's too much noise in my opinion. I like to use simple HTML though so maybe I'm a bit biased. But I still think there's too much stuff on the page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Guzman

    I know some people here will be very straight forward, being as this may actually be your first squeeze page, I would go ahead and say that it is not bad for a beginner... Having said that. This page is will not convert much -- The Primary reason is that it has too much leakage.

    Let me explain -- When I mean leakage I mean that your page is bursting with links all over the place that dilute your FREE offer. It is much more easier to get someone to opt in to your page if you have a little less links and by making the page a little more focused. The CALL TO ACTION on the page has to be a bit stronger.

    1. Make your page plainer and simpler, with the content you desire to be seen above the fold. This means that your prospect should not have to scroll down the page to enter their Information.

    2. Make the headline pop. Being as the Headling is the first thing that people notice when they go to your page, you need to make sure that it is compelling enough to get people to sign up for it.

    3. Offer a very clear CALL TO ACTION.

    Most people online are lazy and want to be told exactly what yo do. Having a page like that is not in your best interest.


    Most people never take action so, good job taking the first steps. Now, what I would do if you were you, is I would get the advice from the following:

    A. GRAPHICS from webdesign forum
    B. Copy from Copy Writing Forum
    C. Make a specific page for your squeeze page.

    Also I would not recommend enabling comments on your squeeze page. This again creates to much confusion and too many call to actions. Decide what it is that you want. Being as you said it is a squeeze page, I am sure you don't want comments. I use Optimize Press to make my Squeeze Page... I am sure you can find many other Squeeze Page generators.

    Good Luck, and if you have any questions PM me.


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  • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps
    Some thoughts.

    1) Why would you have links / header on a Squeeze Page? There should be NO way for people to leave the page without entering there email (or clicking away) your just giving them ways to exit your page without opting in.

    2) The red font is a serif font. It should be sans-serif, sans-serif is more easy to read.

    3) That book graphic takes up way to much space and pushes everything down below the fold. No good. You only have .5 seconds to grab my interest and Im not going to scroll!

    4) You dont put comments on a Squeeze Page, you dont put share buttons, you dont but tweet buttons .. people seem really confused about this, there is 1 point to a squeeze page. Get the opt in. Anything else is against the point.

    Over all not very good. Sorry, not trying to be critical, just trying to be helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Is this some kind of "feel-good" psycho-blab-la session that a TV-shrink is watching? Or WTF... are those people saying "not bad" all nuts? It is very bad for a squeeze page.

    Since when in business (this is a marketing forum where we are supposed to talk about making money, remember?), so once again: since when in business are we giving praise based on 'good intention' & 'nice attempts' instead of results and efficiency?

    Encouraging a bad result doesn't make you "nice" - it makes you a jerk that lies and misleads the poor OP :p

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7799703].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      Is this some kind of "feel-good" psycho-blab-la session that a TV-shrink is watching? Or WTF... are those people saying "not bad" all nuts? It is very bad for a squeeze page.

      Since when in business (this is a marketing forum where we are supposed to talk about making money, remember?), so once again: since when in business are we giving praise based on 'good intention' & 'nice attempts' instead of results and efficiency?

      Encouraging a bad result doesn't make you "nice" - it makes you a jerk that lies and misleads the poor OP :p
      Extremely well said!
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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      Encouraging a bad result doesn't make you "nice" - it makes you a jerk that lies and misleads the poor OP :p
      I see this happening more and more often on this forum. Now don't get me wrong. Encouraging others is a great thing. The problem is when people encourage poor results.

      Here's a comment from this thread...

      Originally Posted by andyjbenson View Post

      Your page has too much info on it, no real focus, and the opt in is below the fold. Many people wont even get to that point of scrolling down to see it and this will hammer your opt in rate.

      Don't be downhearted by the comments you're getting here though! It's all great advice and you should give yourself a pat on the back for getting one done! It's further than a lot of people get buddy!

      Looking forward to seeing the tweaked version soon!

      Andy Benson
      He was able to give good and constructive criticism whilst still encouraging the person for giving it a try. That's how it should be done. But to the people who just come into a thread like this and say something like "it looks great", you are not helping anyone. I don't care who you are or how great a marketer you are, I've very rarely seen a squeeze page that is perfect or that could not possibly be improved upon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Turn off the comments and lose the horizontal scroll.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    Good effort for giving it a go to create a squeeze page but the opt-in form should be beside the image so that it is above the fold. Go back into the coding and set the page width to 50 or 60%. At the moment you have it as 100% and that makes it too wide.

    Take out the share buttons at the bottom of the page and also get rid of the comment box.

    Show the benefits in a prominent position. Make sure people know what benefits they will receive if they sign up for this report.
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    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
      Originally Posted by Sue McDonald View Post

      Good effort for giving it a go to create a squeeze page ...
      Sue, you should really read the whole thread before posting that nonsense :rolleyes:

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  • Profile picture of the author adsassist
    Ok I'm going to jump into this and explain why the template below is how a squeeze page should look. Some of you are giving good info on what should be changed but are not giving the reasons why.

    If you understand the reasons, then you will make great squeeze pages every time. They will all have their own looks with reasons for the way they are laid out.

    First, the look of a squeeze page depends on what you are doing. Squeeze pages can get way more complicated then you think. Like mine (it is unfinished) for an example, I'm am still tweaking and testing. It is for my membership and membership squeeze pages are completely different then giving away a free gift. For someone to sign up you have to have more credibility, trust, and look professional. Making the page longer with a double optin form. One on top and one on the bottom. Having a login link for members.

    If you are an affiliate and building a list for a niche or trying to sell your own product. A basics squeeze page like below is what your after. This is what I'm going to focus on for this example.

    The picture below you will see that there is only ONE thing a viewer can do/click on. That is to put in the name and email and click Submit. This is the ONLY point for this page. Giving other links or a nav bar gives a viewer a way out or takes the mind to have an interest to something else. You don't want this. The goal is to have the viewer focus on one thing, signing up for the free gift. Once you have their email, then you can take them where ever you want blog, Facebook ext...

    The squeeze page should be your Front/Main Page. Over time people may have read, saw or just heard word of mouth about your site. What they will type in is your URL They are not going to type in You want to get every new person to sign up. Most will land on your main page. And it is much easier and cleaner to have just your domain name in emails and thank you letters.

    The Headline - This is the very first thing people will read. You have to make an impression and grab their attention (power words). Give them a reason for them to keep reading. And always make it relevant to your niche. That is an easy way to lose a subscriber. The viewer clicked to your page for a reason. Have that reason follow through to your first headline.

    The picture below shows a tag line which is not needed but never hurts. It all depends on how you word it.

    The free gift image should always look professionally done. It should always be to the left or on top of the optin form. People read left to right and will follow the blocks of the page in the same manner. Headline, image, bullet points, call to action and then optin forum (in that order). The point here, people like to see what they are getting. Giving them a crappy image will make them think it is a crappy gift. No matter what the gift is.

    Few bullet points, this is to give the viewer the main reasons to get your gift. I would say this is the most important part of the page. This is where most of your copy is and can changed the thoughts in the viewers head. Words are very powerful and can change thoughts, trigger emotions, gain trust ext... As you see below bullet points will be the last info the viewer reads about the product. You set the thoughts, emotions and trust for the gift, then move the viewer to sign up.

    Call To Action. People online are lazy and don't want to work to find things. You need a nice call to action on what to do to sign up. The picture below has a great call to action. A nice big arrow saying download now with another arrow under the form. They are telling them "this is how you get your gift". This makes it easy for the viewer to know how to get the gift. They don't have to think about it at all.

    The graphics can get you in trouble if your not careful with them. Graphics can show that the page is professional and gains trust as the page is not done by an amateur. But if you have to much, it will look cluttered and lose the viewers focus to keep following the steps you laid out for them. Clean and clear is what you want.

    The right colors is important as the human mind reacts different for colors. If you had 50 colors and showed people all of them at the same time. 95% of them will look at red or blue and not even notice they did. It is a human reaction. Why headlines are in red and backgrounds have blue in it. This is not only for squeeze pages. This is in marketing around the world, online and offline. Look at the WF, its main colors are red and blue. Look at products around the house, the box they came in probably has red and blue. The one I like the most, TV commercials, these use red and blue like crazy.

    The optin form needs to be clean and clear. The one below looks very nice with an audio player. The audio is to recap why they should get the gift and how it can help them. The placement for it is perfect because at the end of the audio you tell them to enter their name and email. This is the last thing they can do, ether sign up or leave.

    I hope this makes it clearer to some of you. Once you understand the process on making money online, you then study on how to market. Understanding how the human mind reacts, pointing them in the right direction on helping them solve their problem. The main point for being an Internet Marketer.

    Good luck to all of you
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  • Profile picture of the author lucidbs
    My 2 cents.

    1. Make it no need to scroll to enter email when page is loaded. People like me are lazy.
    2. Make it simple. Just a few bullet points on the left, optin box on the right with graphic above.
    3. Make the new header with benefits in short and to the point.

    Hope it helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Is there a full moon out there that retarded people started to post again "good job"-type of posts...?

    Some are that dumb don't even realize they reply commenting on another site than the OP asked about.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    Great attempt, but unfortunately it is not a squeeze page...

    Easiest way to make a squeeze page is find some squeeze page template
    and download them, then make some customization and you're done!

    But buying optimize press just to build one simple squeeze page was
    just too expensive!

    I have one recommendation that I use...
    Search on Google for: Guru Optin Templates

    Its cheap and safe you a lot of time!

    Hope this help
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