On those days I feel like a whiny ass baby....
My wife will vouch for that.
But ever since I was 20 or so... I've tried to make it my personal mantra to NOT complain about shit that I have no control over OR about stuff that I won't try to fix.
I just feel that if you're going to complain about something... at least take the steps to try and change it.
And I can assure you, if you're in this copy biz for ANY length of time... you WILL have stuff to complain about.
Whether it's clients, the work, the pay, the schedule... there's a whole heaping of shitty in this biz.
But like I've always done... I never complain about stuff without taking massive action to CHANGE what it is I'm complaining about.
I hear a LOT of newer writers complain about how they can't get writing gigs... or that the pay sucks, or that the client sucked, etc...
I've been through all of these, and complained about all of these... but have also taken the steps to change each and every one.
If your clients suck, find better clients. Set up your platform (blog, site, Facebook, twitter) so that you ATTRACT the kinds of clients you mesh well with.
If you just don't like working with clients... use your copy skills to create and market your own products. Personally, I feel that every copywriter should be doing this.
If the pay sucks, get better and produce more winners... filling your schedule and kicking in the old "supply and demand" pay raise.
If your schedule sucks... set it up the way YOU want it to be.
Remember, this is YOUR business and YOUR gig. YOU set up the parameters according to how YOU want them.
And if you DO complain about something... do what I do after I bitch about something... immediately look at WHAT is causing it and then take the steps to change it so it doesn't keep happening.
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Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More