Meetup Group Copy To Get RSVPs

4 replies

I currently running an online marketing meetup group. My goal is to get people to RSVP and show up to the meetups.

I was wondering if my copy for this meetup is clear and persuasive? ( This copy is for a specifc meetup and not the meetup group as a whole)

If anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciate.

Copy is below:

Headline: Email Marketing Magic

Establishing relationships with your customers can be difficult if you are only using a website. Thats why most of the top internet marketers recommend using email marketing to develop better relationship with your customers and even sell directly to them.

This Thursday there will be a meetup on email marketing. Since email marketing is a broad topic this meetup will be about the core elements of email marketing as well as some proven strategies to use right away.


- Introductions
- Power Point Presentation on "Email Marketing"
- Discussion on the "Email Marketing Strategies "
- Brainstorm read to use: Subject Headlines, Email Copy, and Opt-in Headlines

The meetup will take place at the Grey Cafe on Lake street. This meetup will only be limited to 5 people. You will be provided with handouts for this meetup. Check in the front when you enter. Next Door has food and coffee. Please bring your laptop also if you have one. Lastly, if you don't have a business or aren't selling to anything online, just bring one of your business ideas.

See you then.
#copy #group #meetup #rsvps
  • Profile picture of the author JohnRussell
    No offence but:

    - Power Point Presentation on "Email Marketing"

    Could possibly be interchanged with:

    - Watch paint "dry"

    with no noticeable difference in results.

    Why don't you make the headline more benefit driven like:

    "Use Email To Build Relationships And Drive Profits Fast.

    Done Right, Email Can Be Your Businesses Single Biggest Revenue Producing Tool. Done Wrong, Email Can Be A Horrible Waste Of Time And Money. This Meetup Will Show You The Difference."
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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    I'm part of the Auckland SEO and Internet marketing Meetup group.

    We are getting around 50 people there.

    Might help by checking out the website.

    There hasn't been any real promotion of a subject/speaker.

    Part of the success of the group seems to be the main organizer is very well connected and knowledgeable.

    We've had different members speak about their business,
    the organizer speak about
    the latest Google updates
    and guest speakers.

    Some nights there are no presentations.

    Nobody pitches their thing.

    So I'm wondering why the need for the
    in depth details of the presentation?

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    • Profile picture of the author highlander11
      Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

      So I'm wondering why the need for the
      in depth details of the presentation?


      I do run the social meetups as well. This meetup I plan on doing is more about exchange ideas with members.

      I have been to a lot of meetups where they just lecture.
      Information is everywhere online these days so I think I can provide equal of greater value by giving a short lecture and then have each member create something with that info on the spot. .
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8707575].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Originally Posted by highlander11 View Post

        I do run the social meetups as well. This meetup I plan on doing is more about exchange ideas with members.

        I have been to a lot of meetups where they just lecture.
        Information is everywhere online these days so I think I can provide equal of greater value by giving a short lecture and then have each member create something with that info on the spot. .
        If there isn't a strong social aspect to it,
        people tend to get the specific information
        they are after for free, then you never see them again.

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