Quit my job to pursue this, no views and no sales.

47 replies
So i recently quit my job to pursue this full time. I made a site and have spent some time learning SEO and article writing along with website design. This is what i ended up Getting Beautiful Women | Tips and tricks on how to get any woman you want. Pickup art. Exclusive discounts on the best products by one of the internet's leading pickup sites.

I have gotten 90 hops, no sales. And virtually no traffic, my google analytics shows only me as a visitor to the main website. I'm extremely limited on budget. I'm desperate to make this work, if anyone has any advice on what i could do to get this thing started i would sincerely appreciate it.
I also have several "sniper" amazon affiliate sites on different niches where i post blog articles etc, and have affiliate links throughout. No luck on those either.

I see people on here talking about making money and as i have put so much effort into this and made no sales i feel as if i'm living a dream. A bad one. Any advice is appreciated.
#job #pursue #quit #sales #views
  • Profile picture of the author Sean Fry
    Let me ask you some questions.

    1. Why would anyone want to read a single article you've written on your pick up chicks blog?

    2. Who are you? (When I see your site, my first reaction is "another stupid affiliate site with NO transparency and another invisible author." As far as I'm concerned, your site could've been built by a bot.)

    3. Are you speaking from a position of authority and experience?

    4. Are you writing and posting about your experiences with the various pick up chicks products you're hustling? Even better, do you ever make any appearances on video discussing your results from these products?

    5. You quit your job because of THIS SITE? Are you insane?
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    • Profile picture of the author Tim R
      I agree with Sean on all of the points above, but especially on number 5.

      You've got completely unrealistic expectations about all of this. I offered you advice in the main forum about this, as did many other people. Pretty much everyone told you that your site was rubbish, so how did you get the idea that quitting your job and expecting to make a living from this was a good idea?

      Stop looking for a magic bullet that's going to make you rich overnight. You're going to have to put in a lot of work to make this a success. Right now there are thousands of sites that offer much better information on this subject than you do.

      Do you have any semblance of a plan? Or are you just going to keep hoping that throwing up random junk is going to get people lining up to give you their money?

      I'm not trying to be harsh but you need a serious dose of reality.
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      • Profile picture of the author Colbyelmore
        Well that's what i asked for, reality and how to go forward. Yes i do have a plan and it involves PPC campaigning and collaborative content.
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        • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
          Originally Posted by Colbyelmore View Post

          Well that's what i asked for, reality ...

          Reality: Most of the people who try making money online fail.
          You should never quit your job until you have started to make the money you need to support yourself, and even then, you shouldn't quit until you have at least one year's income in a savings account to use for the first year.

          I can only hope that you are able to get another job, unless a miracle happens and you win the lottery or all of a sudden, magically, the website produces a full time income.

          You chose a very saturated niche with some long established big boys dominating it. Find out who they are and check out what they do... while you're looking for another job to support yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveSki
    Hi Colby, You need to learn the basics of Internet Marketing. The number one rule is to build a list that you can market to. Send them to a squeeze page first. On your squeeze page offer your niche something of value in exchange for their email... Example "7 Magic Words Guaranteed To Get You Laid Like Crazy" Enter your email for Free Instant Access... Then instead of sending them to a hard to read boring website load your aweber autoresponder with 30 short messages, provide free tips in the messages, make them short and entertaining, write powerful subject lines to get those who opted in to your list to open and read your messages and every 3rd email or so tell them to check out this video at: BadAssTao.com That's Guaranteed to turn them into a Chick Magnate. Then let the offer convert them into buyers. Your job is to build a list who are interested in your niche, and send them useful and entertaining content and occasionally recommend they check out this link to something that will help them get what they already want. Don't jump around from one thing to the next. Focus on one thing (like doing the basics) and master that one thing before moving on to something else. Sign up to lists of successful marketers in your niche, study their autoresponder messages, learn from others who are already successful selling to your chosen niche... Example:http://www.davidwygant.com/men/start


    PS... There are two kinds of people. Those who can avoid mistakes by reading the experiences of others... and those who just have to pee on the electric fence themselves. You just learnt one lesson the hard way... Don't even consider quitting your day job until your side business is producing more income than your regular job. And here's 10 more common mistakes that you can avoid making if you can learn from the experiences of others.
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    • Profile picture of the author highlander11
      If you want to make money you need to have a clear "call-to-action" on your website for your customers.

      This could be a get instant access button which links to taos website. Or it could be an opt-in where you collects visitors emails and then sell to them through your list, like Steveski recommended.

      For your banner ads you would just want to increase traffic to you site. Research backlinks if you don't have any money.

      Your site looks solid so I don't think you that far off. Just need to make it more clear for the customer.

      Check out the link below, for some ideas on how to organize your site. I recommend Mrktexperiment's concept of optimizing "thought sequences" not websites.

      Conversion Rate Optimization: Building to the Ultimate Yes | MarketingExperiments Blog: Research-driven optimization, testing, and marketing ideas
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    • Profile picture of the author Luke Corden
      Originally Posted by SteveSki View Post

      Hi Colby, You need to learn the basics of Internet Marketing. The number one rule is to build a list that you can market to. Send them to a squeeze page first. On your squeeze page offer your niche something of value in exchange for their email... Example "7 Magic Words Guaranteed To Get You Laid Like Crazy" Enter your email for Free Instant Access... Then instead of sending them to a hard to read boring website load your aweber autoresponder with 30 short messages, provide free tips in the messages, make them short and entertaining, write powerful subject lines to get those who opted in to your list to open and read your messages and every 3rd email or so tell them to check out this video at: BadAssTao.com That's Guaranteed to turn them into a Chick Magnate. Then let the offer convert them into buyers. Your job is to build a list who are interested in your niche, and send them useful and entertaining content and occasionally recommend they check out this link to something that will help them get what they already want. Don't jump around from one thing to the next. Focus on one thing (like doing the basics) and master that one thing before moving on to something else. Sign up to lists of successful marketers in your niche, study their autoresponder messages, learn from others who are already successful selling to your chosen niche... Example:Start | David Wygant


      PS... There are two kinds of people. Those who can avoid mistakes by reading the experiences of others... and those who just have to pee on the electric fence themselves. You just learnt one lesson the hard way... Don't even consider quitting your day job until your side business is producing more income than your regular job. And here's 10 more common mistakes that you can avoid making if you can learn from the experiences of others.
      Brilliant infographic!

      Check out www.lukecorden.com for 100% free listbuilding course, marketing tips, advice and tomfoolery
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    • Profile picture of the author broaddog
      Excellent advice Steveski and great infographic. A solid plan of action is helpful. Every month I outline what I want to achieve and an action plan on a whiteboard. I check this every couple of days to make sure I am staying on task.
      As far as quitting your job. It's much easier to make money when you have money. I invest much of what I make back into my business. I have seen far greater growth since doing this. I would rethink the job status. And if you are thinking of driving traffic with PPC be prepared for a long learning curve. I would reconsider. There are a lot of great suggestions in this thread. Spend your time and money digging into some of the resources offered here before attempting ppc. Best of luck to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author YHmuWong
      Originally Posted by SteveSki View Post

      Hi Colby, You need to learn the basics of Internet Marketing.
      I hate this the most because it is the truth.But once I pass the learning curve for this.Thanks SteveSki.

      Number 11 is lucky in snake & ladders.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    In a marketplace chock full of REAL experts and authorities, your website comes across as beyond amateur.

    You need to learn so much about marketing that it's overwhelming and difficult to give you any one piece of advice.

    If you're hard up for money, get a job.

    You're NOT ready to make a living online... full OR part time.

    What you're demonstrating here isn't prime time ready.

    You need to establish a personal brand. (Sorry Steve The Copywriter... I had to.)

    The worst thing you can do is quit your job and create a dire, desperate situation - when you're just learning how to run an online business.

    And yes...

    It IS a business. (Whether you're an affiliate or product creator.)


    Do you want a 9 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you, on zoom, to help write your copy or client copy... while you learn from one of the few copywriters to legit hit 9 figures in gross sales! Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author TMMR Michael
    I don't know if it is just me but I can't actually see how to buy anything from your site. Also your articles don't come across as being natural, did you write them yourself or copy from somewhere else. They strike me as written by someone with limited English skills.

    I echo everyone else on this thread who says you definitely should not have given up your job for this. This is such a competitive niche that you have to provide something extraordinairy to succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Originally Posted by Colbyelmore View Post

    I have gotten 90 hops, no sales. And virtually no traffic, my google analytics shows only me as a visitor to the main website. I'm extremely limited on budget. I'm desperate to make this work, if anyone has any advice on what i could do to get this thing started i would sincerely appreciate it.
    I also have several "sniper" amazon affiliate sites on different niches where i post blog articles etc, and have affiliate links throughout. No luck on those either.
    My advice comes too late I fear. Don't quit your job.

    Maybe you could go crawling back to your old employer and tell them you made a big mistake.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
    Websites like yours scream "low quality" and "scam" on several scores. The "Pick Up Girls" niche might be a hungry one, but it's also one with a well deserved reputation as a scam niche.

    It's also a niche based on objectifying women, reducing complex female humans to mere goals of male domination fantasies, playing to the most unrealistic, ridiculous adolescent fantasies some guys (pathetic losers) have about bending women to their will, as exemplified by this bullet point on your main page, for "Tao of Badass": "Learn How To Control Women.", and this one for another product you're selling: "How To Get Her To Do Anything You Want."

    Only an idiotic virgin with no respect for either himself or women would seriously indulge such a stupid fantasy to the point of buying based on those false promises.

    Any man with experience with real females (or any person with common sense, for that matter), knows women don't want to, and cannot be "controlled" or made to "do anything you want" other than by force, threats, or another form of coercion. In other words, if the product really lived up to that promise, it would merely be training for future rapists and extortionists.

    Any decent product in the niche would emphasize finding a match with someone who shares some of your agenda, and learning to compromise on the parts they don't share, rather than promising that any "hot" woman can just be "controlled" or made to "Do Anything You Want".

    One of your main articles you call "general advice", titled "All you need to know to start dating a hot blond" (already a big lie for most men; women have eyes and dating criteria too), you start off with these lines:

    "Blonde hair, big tits. Wide hips, big lips.

    Blonde hair appeals to our primal sides as a sign of youth and value. Anna Faris from Scary Movie and her blonde transformation for The House Bunny is an example of how golden skin and hair have a mesmerizing effect.

    Now, our goal is to attract these blondes as sexual partners and girlfriends."

    So from just the first few lines of your article, we learn that blonds are more desirable than brunettes, and whites more desirable than people of color on a "primal" level (golden skin and hair). We also learn that the writer is shallow beyond belief, and assumes the reader is as well. "Now, our goal" is the goal of a man with a mindset that any woman in her right mind would find repulsive.

    And we learn from the rest of the article that it isn't hard for any man to date a "hot blond", and that the writer's experience, which presumably any reader can make his own, is that: "By direct lust, desire, and intention to FORCE myself onto every Blonde girl in my immediate vicinity I manifested a surprising number of hot girls into my life." (Could the writer be more ridiculous?)

    One has to give you the benefit of the doubt, and hope you don't really literally mean "FORCE" even though you capitalized it, but the implication of using it figuratively is still appalling, as is the obsession with blond hair and light skin.

    I should say I've never seen the products you sell, and they might be high quality, but the way they are being promoted on your site is with false promises, and a horrible attitude (that it is a legitimate goal to seek control over women for one's own pleasure, rather than seeking relationships with equals, which involves give and take, not "control")

    I'd be appalled if your site was successful. You need to learn a thing or two about women before proceeding with giving men dating advice.
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    • Profile picture of the author DanSharp
      Originally Posted by Greg guitar View Post

      It's also a niche based on objectifying women, reducing complex female humans to mere goals of male domination fantasies, playing to the most unrealistic, ridiculous adolescent fantasies some guys (pathetic losers) have about bending women to their will...
      One of the worst things anyone can do as a copywriter is to write for a market without understanding what's really going on. (No offense intended, Greg -- I assume you don't write for this market.)

      For everyone who wants to understand what the pickup niche (and ANY self-help niche) is really about... it's not what you think, or what you'd necessarily write in your copy...

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      • Profile picture of the author agcj
        Thank You Dan Sharp for that article. As I began to read, I thought I might be mentioned, as I was by the LA Times when my book came out the same time as one of those mentioned. I'm glad I am not considered part of that community because that article is so correct - it has become a means to itself instead of a means to the end of proper female companionship for a man of his choosing. Don't worry. I'll get them straightened out.
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        • Profile picture of the author DanSharp
          Originally Posted by agcj View Post

          it has become a means to itself instead of a means to the end of proper female companionship for a man of his choosing. Don't worry. I'll get them straightened out.
          That wasn't what I got out of it. The way I read that research paper, the "community" is about becoming the kind of man who could take his pick of female companionship.

          i.e changing yourself, not changing other people. (hence "asceticism")

          Copywriting is similar... it's about being able to write in a way that's attractive to the largest % of prospects. Not taking someone who's uninterested and convincing them to buy, though that does happen by accident sometimes
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    • Profile picture of the author agcj
      This is really a great thread. however, I beg to differ with regard to the statement that women can't be "controlled". And it just so happens that I've been tinkering with a site that could I'm sure benefit from the review process on this thread, and it would be interesting to colby since it's in the same niche...www.howtogetgirls.com...planning on getting it done sometime is January, but better now than later for input probably...I would appreciate any and all comments.
      oh! the control thing - people respond to either pleasure or pain providing extremes of either is effective, but with women pain gets you problems - all the coercion, force etc. is the sign of a man unskilled in the art of female persuasion. My tagline has been attract, captivate and control for 24 years, and being THE source of extreme pleasure for a woman gives great control...
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  • Profile picture of the author hipeopo02
    Originally Posted by Colbyelmore View Post

    So i recently quit my job to pursue this full time.

    why the hell would you need the entire day, every day, to work on a site like that?
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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
    If you have to get another job while you are trying to build an online business, get one in basic sales. One that you will get a salary instead of straight commission at first. Something easy like shoe sales or computers, or whatever. You could learn a lot by being objective to the whole marketing process in a position like that. My way of thinking is that the foundation of marketing is sales. It sure couldn't hurt to learn the whole sales process.

    In the meantime, you could start building your library of books and courses on writing advertising copy. Practice writing that stuff a lot. That would be a massive help, I would think.

    I would recommend purchasing books used on Amazon. I got a whole bunch of outstanding books by guys like Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, etc. for dirt cheap prices. I got Dan Kennedy's ad copy writing course for $25.00 on eBay used.

    One of the best things you can do on here is network with people that are experts and ask them what books and courses they would recommend.

    As far as taking action; always ask before you act. I'm getting a great education from these people and even though they are blunt and sometimes crass, they are a massive help. In the age of the Internet you can always talk to people that will try to help you on places just like this forum.

    At any rate, get a job. You need to survive and have money coming in to take care of the basics. If you are single, you only have yourself to worry about and if you are smart you won't incur any debts that are unnecessary. No bills = freedom to act without stress.

    I hope this was a help to you.

    God Bless, and Merry Christmas!

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  • Profile picture of the author ChadDub
    I feel REALLY bad for you right now.

    I'm sorry, man. Just go get another job in sales (like elmo said) and learn the way of sales WHILE you're making money. That's a really good idea.

    I'd suggest getting a website designer to make you a website if you don't have time to learn HTML/CSS along with copywriting and marketing etc.

    Oh and get a different cover girl.

    But HEY! EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES! Life is a learning experience and you can't evolve if you don't **** up. I actually recommend you try to **** up as much as possible haha. You'll bounce back from this, man. Don't worry just be committed to getting a job.
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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
    By the way Mr. Colby, I agree with Mr. Greg above. It is a very tough niche and it shows no respect to women. Perhaps you could start a course that shows men how to respect women. That would really be something! LOL!

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    • Profile picture of the author ChadDub
      Originally Posted by elmo033057 View Post

      By the way Mr. Colby, I agree with Mr. Greg above. It is a very tough niche and it shows no respect to women. Perhaps you could start a course that shows men how to respect women. That would really be something! LOL!

      That is actually a great idea! LMAO! That really would be cool (and funny) to see. It would also help a lot more than any PUA course ever could.
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      • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
        Originally Posted by ChadDub View Post

        That is actually a great idea! LMAO! That really would be cool (and funny) to see. It would also help a lot more than any PUA course ever could.
        Really? Ha ha ! Every now and then I get something right! LOL!

        God Bless, Mr. Chad and Merry Christmas!
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        • Profile picture of the author ChadDub
          Originally Posted by elmo033057 View Post

          Really? Ha ha ! Every now and then I get something right! LOL!

          God Bless, Mr. Chad and Merry Christmas!
          Merry Christmas

          I would thank you but I can't because I'm new (I guess).
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  • Profile picture of the author Colbyelmore
    I thank everyone for their input. I will post back on this thread in some time with how i succeeded for future reference of all reading. Again i do appreciate everyone taking the time to offer their advice.
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    • Profile picture of the author Umi
      The first thing i notice about the website is the black background eyesore. I'm guessing this is to make the website seem cool, but most of the time simpler is better, and in this case i do think it would be better to change it from black to light grey, or off white.

      Secondly, I look to the top of the website, and see "attracting beautiful women blog". Two things first the font seems too closely spaced together, and why would i ever click this?! Aren't i already on the site, what purpose does it serve? The next page is "the tao of badass. Again a new visitor to the page has no clue at all what it is. The same applies to the following pages. My suggestion would be to make the page "attracting beautiful women blog" into a HOME page button, which leads the visitor back to home. For the other three pages look at other competitors and learn from them. One of the most important pages you don't have is the about page! This is especially important for you, because of the type of website you have, people know there are a million gurus who will teach you how to get women, why are you better? Even if you aren't better just let people know who you are.

      I could give a million more tips, but you need to really reevaluate this website.
      Hope you succeed!
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      • Profile picture of the author oliverj87
        Originally Posted by Umi View Post

        The first thing i notice about the website is the black background eyesore. I'm guessing this is to make the website seem cool, but most of the time simpler is better, and in this case i do think it would be better to change it from black to light grey, or off white.
        My thoughts exactly, I tried to have a read through some of it, but it does all blend in together with the white on black.

        The hover effect on the top nav bar needs changing, changing the link to black with a drop shadow it virtually vanishes into the background.
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    • Profile picture of the author SergR5
      Originally Posted by Colbyelmore View Post

      I thank everyone for their input. I will post back on this thread in some time with how i succeeded for future reference of all reading. Again i do appreciate everyone taking the time to offer their advice.
      Wait.. what?? :confused:

      That statement just makes me think you believe everyone here is an idiot and you will show us all how we were all wrong.. Believe me, I truly hope you can come back here in a few months and rub your big fat paycheck in our faces. I will be one of the first to congratulate you. I'm just concerned over your implied lack of attention to what has been said.

      So many people here have taken the time to spout forth all sorts of excellent info/critiques/ideas. If I were you and all these people were offering me this kind of feedback, I would most certainly ENGAGE them in conversation here to get a better idea of what you can do. Don't put your tail between your legs and run away. You screwed up with your website idea and the fact that you quite your job. You're not the first to make a mistake. You're not the last. Guess what? You'll make MORE mistakes... We ALL do. The main question here is, are you willing to LEARN from your mistakes? Or are you just going to dismiss all this knowledge and education you just got thrown at you and run away?

      This isn't a personal attack, but there is more you can learn here and people ARE willing to help.
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      • Profile picture of the author ramohr
        I want to commend you for taking action many do not get to first base. You will learn from your mistakes and do very well.

        Go to thegaryhalbertletter website....he has a great ad on picking up beautiful women
        I think you will get alot of insight from.

        David DeAngelo you can learn form him as well


        Your website in my opinion needs an upgrade.
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  • Profile picture of the author squadron
    Originally Posted by Colbyelmore View Post

    So i recently quit my job to pursue this full time. I made a site and have spent some time learning SEO and article writing along with website design. This is what i ended up Getting Beautiful Women | Tips and tricks on how to get any woman you want. Pickup art. Exclusive discounts on the best products by one of the internet's leading pickup sites.

    I have gotten 90 hops, no sales. And virtually no traffic, my google analytics shows only me as a visitor to the main website. I'm extremely limited on budget. I'm desperate to make this work, if anyone has any advice on what i could do to get this thing started i would sincerely appreciate it.
    I also have several "sniper" amazon affiliate sites on different niches where i post blog articles etc, and have affiliate links throughout. No luck on those either.

    I see people on here talking about making money and as i have put so much effort into this and made no sales i feel as if i'm living a dream. A bad one. Any advice is appreciated.

    Do not give up, get another job by all means, but do not give up.

    Why not try another niche:

    How to get ugly women who are fun to be with with and won't crush your soul
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    • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
      Originally Posted by squadron View Post

      Do not give up, get another job by all means, but do not give up.

      Why not try another niche:

      How to get ugly women who are fun to be with with and won't crush your soul
      Or why not the "How to pick up sexist, boofhead men" niche? I hear it's wide open. Fair dinkum mate...how do you think the women on this forum feel about your stupid comment?
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  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    You're best off building a targeted list of prospects, fast. And mailing them every day.

    If you're ultra-committed to making this work, hook yourself up with a proven mentor. Structure a relationship where they get a piece of your action long term so it's worthwhile to them to spend time with you and they don't feel like they're just training another wannabe.

    Treat'em as a partner.

    Let'em use you as a case study or testimonial if they want.

    Keep a diary so you can go back and see your progress, your learning, ups and downs, good days and bad.

    Then do what they tell you--to the letter. Do not second guess them.

    Stay away from alternative IM education during this time. Especially Warrior Forum. It'll just confuse you and ultimately compromise your results. Stay focused. Do not read or watch anything unless it comes from your mentor.

    Bust your ass. Never complain.

    Then, when you get your first optin or your first sale, celebrate it. Because there's more where they came from.

    None of this is "hard" or expensive. But it does take a certain mindset and there are lots of "rules" you must learn. Your mentor will help shortcut your learning.

    Good luck,

    - Rick Duris

    PS: Prediction: Venture into PPC at this point in your career, and you will lose it all.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Originally Posted by Colbyelmore View Post

    I'm extremely limited on budget. I'm desperate to make this work, if anyone has any advice on what i could do to get this thing started i would sincerely appreciate it.
    I also have several "sniper" amazon affiliate sites on different niches where i post blog articles etc, and have affiliate links throughout. No luck on those either.

    "...i feel as if i'm living a dream. A bad one. Any advice is appreciated.
    Scared, desperate money always loses. Always. This isn't about luck.

    You've gone about this backwards. You already know so I won't rub it in. If you can get your job back, do it ASAP. If you can't then get some type of income coming in. Only then should you work on this project (it needs a LOT of work), taking some of the suggestions offered here.

    If it hasn't already been pointed out, the black background with white text causes seizures. If it doesn't right off, it will eventually. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author TeamBringIt
    Originally Posted by Colbyelmore View Post

    So i recently quit my job to pursue this full time. I made a site and have spent some time learning SEO and article writing along with website design. This is what i ended up Getting Beautiful Women | Tips and tricks on how to get any woman you want. Pickup art. Exclusive discounts on the best products by one of the internet's leading pickup sites.

    I have gotten 90 hops, no sales. And virtually no traffic, my google analytics shows only me as a visitor to the main website. I'm extremely limited on budget. I'm desperate to make this work, if anyone has any advice on what i could do to get this thing started i would sincerely appreciate it.
    I also have several "sniper" amazon affiliate sites on different niches where i post blog articles etc, and have affiliate links throughout. No luck on those either.

    I see people on here talking about making money and as i have put so much effort into this and made no sales i feel as if i'm living a dream. A bad one. Any advice is appreciated.
    Get a job! Doing this type of work is never guaranteed (pay wise). A job at least provides a paycheck (while employed). Do this stuff on the side and if it makes you more money, than your job, then consider quitting it. Many people quit their jobs and think success is a given with their side business. Look for a job and do your side business and good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author dids
    Theres some great advice on this post already but if your getting into this niche I would suggest working out your traffic source as ppc and seo can both costly in this niche. A good way to get a idea on what style of pages are converting is to check out some of the ads for pua/ stuff on pof.

    Good to see you taking action but I would suggest getting a job to reduce the pressure on yourself. You should be able to do this in your spare time until you scale up.

    I read a good saying the other day "goals are like dreams they give us a nice feeling buts its action plans that make money"
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    • Profile picture of the author DanSharp
      Originally Posted by dids View Post

      Good to see you taking action but I would suggest getting a job to reduce the pressure on yourself.
      I would actually suggest avoiding a regular job if you can. When you're starting out, you want to immerse yourself in the marketing mindset.

      Try finding some drudgery you can do for other marketers. Can you support yourself writing articles? Can you set up websites? Go on Elance or iWriter or Fiverr. Just seeing firsthand where people are making enough money to hire you to do things for them will be a tremendous education.

      And, in the process you'll be getting PAID to learn about marketing. Doesn't get much better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Saluki Guy
    There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted — all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. - Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Check the WSO section or War Room for things you can
    use to get some cashflow. Pick one, dig in and do it.
    You'll probably find the labor tedious, but that's
    a dirty secret to internet marketing too: it is labor
    to make it work.

    Look at coupon marketing and things like that. Unless
    you live in an isolated area, making cards and flyers
    promoting a good online offer can really work, like
    the coupon offers. I forget what it's called right now,
    but there was this video game site where kids
    (I use the word broadly) could get the newest computer
    games for free for like a month or two... kind of
    like Netflix for video games. Of course many would
    like it so much they would stay on as customers...
    seems like a useful thing to put up flyers around
    college campuses and other places where people
    with enough free time to play computer games
    hang out.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobson8788

    Learn all about starting an online business here: The Online Business Post
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  • Profile picture of the author rojersequaria
    It's not too late to start over. Be realistic about your finances. If you need to, get another job to tide you over.
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  • Profile picture of the author Colbyelmore
    I thank everyone for their input. Just as an update I've since learned my lessons. Am attempting to cut my losses with the oversaturated niche i was in and am trying to sell my site. Afterwords i will be trying again with all the things i've learned. Again thank you to everyone who chimed in on this!
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    • Profile picture of the author Sean Fry
      Originally Posted by Colbyelmore View Post

      I thank everyone for their input. Just as an update I've since learned my lessons. Am attempting to cut my losses with the oversaturated niche i was in and am trying to sell my site. Afterwords i will be trying again with all the things i've learned. Again thank you to everyone who chimed in on this!
      Hey, you don't need to sell your site. Truthfully, if you do it right, you'll be able to bank pretty hard with that site as an affiliate. You just need to change the approach a bit, clean it up, and hit the SEO like a beast (but do it carefully). Think like a marketer, and strongly consider bringing some transparency to the site and you can do big things with it. You have a great domain name, I'd hang on to it.

      I know affiliates in this niche who are making serious cash. Sign up at Bring The Fresh if you aren't a member, lots of guys there in this vertical who are killing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pizzamailer
    I'm new to the forum, but I've been in Advertising Marketing and Sales for over 20 years now and I've got to say, your site is horrible. From a basic marketing perspective, I wouldn't stay on this site 5 seconds. You desperately need to have a professional developer remake your site and a professional writer to rework your content. A PPC campaign will do you no good until you have something worth visiting. I'm with you, trying to figure all this out, but the first 2 issues mentioned are just basic marketing issues. It's the easy stuff. The hard stuff comes AFTER you get those issues fixed.
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    • Profile picture of the author research

      Maybe you should get back to the drawing board . . .

      Don't give up your day job !!!
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      • Profile picture of the author splitTest
        damn - I was gonna post my site for review, but now I'm scared!
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