Easy Persuasion With The Adverb - Because Sandwich

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Here's quick tip to take an idea and sandwich it between a couple of mind-fading linguistic tools.

The human mind can only hold 5-9 pieces of information at once, so when you let loose a long stream of ideas that are hard to grasp all at once, they can drop down into your listener's subconscious.

Today we'll learn one of the thousands of ways you can combine linguistic presuppositions to more easily get your idea across.

The first is commentary adverbs. These are adverbs that imply some kind of subjective judgment about something.

An adverb, in case you've forgotten your grammar, is something modifies a verb. A verb is an action word.

So if the verb is run, an adverb, which modifies, or gives more information about the verb, could be, fast, as in run fast. Or slow, quickly, lazily, etc. (E.g. he ran lazily to the dinner table because his wife was cooking tuna casserole...again!)

A commentary adverb is one that implies some kind judgment. These are adverbs like luckily, fortunately, unfortunately, happily, readily, etc.

For example, "Happily, they are going to lower taxes."

Now, right off the bat this is a lot more than it looks like. What, exactly, does "happily" apply to?

The idea of lowering taxes? Or are the people lowering taxes doing it with a smile on their face?

So adding a commentary adverb uses up a lot more brainpower, so there's less likely to be any mental resistance.

So when you put something that you'd like to be believed after the adverb, it's much more likely to be accepted.

Luckily, this product is popular with you.

Interestingly, NLP works a lot easier than most people think.

Surprisingly, you can lose weight really quickly with this product.

Now, this works pretty good by itself, but we can make it better, by adding the magic word, "because" after it.

As soon as we humans hear the word "because," our brains kind of just go into "acceptance" mode. Whether it's a glitch in the system, or part of some grand plan, our brains are hard wired to somehow "sniff out" cause and effect relationships, even when there are none.

So what you do is first choose a positive sounding commentary adverb (luckily, fortunately, surprisingly) put in the sentence you want to be believed, add on a "because" after it, and then give some kind of plausible reason.

Some examples:

Luckily, this weight loss product works like gangbusters because it's based on ancient Chinese herbs.

Surprisingly, this stock market investment plan has a 90% success rate because it's based on a largely unknown Laplacian operator.

Naturally, you'll be able to easily persuade tons of people with NLP because it's based on what already works.

Try these out, and have fun!
#adverb #easy #persuasion #sandwich

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