Who is the AVERAGE IMer according to You?
If you don't understand you customer, you won't know how to talk to them in such a way that both benefits you and them.
Through the power of "The wisdom of the crowds" we can together come up with the average and most typical internet marketer customer here on WF:
What is his/her her most common sex?
Who is his/her most common name?
What is his/her most common age?
What is his/her most common historical background? (what did he/she before starting with internet marketing?)
What is his/her most common fears with internet marketing? (what is he/she afraid of will happen by NOT doing internet marketing?)
What is his/her most common goals with internet marketing? (what does he/she want to GAIN by doing internet marketing?)
What is his/her most common challenges when he/she begins with internet marketing? (what is he/she struggling with most of the times when doing internet marketing?)
By asking yourself these questions and writing down the answers, you can come up with a kind of "Customer Profile" of the average internet marketer customer that you can "talk to" in all your squeeze pages, newsletters, salesletters and content in general.
So, who is the AVERAGE IMer according to You? ;-)
Take Care & Have An Awesome Day, Fellow Warrior! / Max "MaxTheMarketer" K.
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