Master Stories and sub plots #1

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Stories, Stories, Stories, I'm sure you've heard the importance of them by now. But how do you write a good story? What does a good story contain? I may be able to help, here's some stuff I know:

the basics:

1) Everyday routine...
2) Then something happens to interrupt my normal pattern
3) Something changed

that's the outline of the master plots i'll show you:

The Quest:

This is when you main character is in search of some kind of truth, something that will change their current reality. This plot style is very singular and is focused on the one character. It's important to note, when using this style, it's not about what the character is looking for. Its about the journey and what the character goes through and how he/she changes in the process.

When writing like this, remember to keep the characters motivation similar to the quest.

For example:

pt. 1
I use to work in pest control, all around me...broke people, going nowhere and loving it. I went from job to job, only seeing the same thing and same people, just different names and faces. One day, after my girlfriend telling me I couldn’t afford the guitar I wanted. I decided I'm not going to live like this...I quit my job in search for a better life. At whatever cost. A life of freedom. The life where I got choose how I planned my day.


I tried many other professions ( getting fired from the really) and they all took me to the same place...a place of death. Zombies what I call them. Humans who look 30-35 but are dead inside, given up on life, destined to be stuck in what Buddha calls the realm of suffering. But according to Buddha you can reincarnate to a different realm. I had to kill the old me but keep my spirit alive.

Down to my last few dollars and a few days before rent, I met Tony Robbins, (the side character aka companion) he told me to never give up and gave one of his tape sets. This got me pumped up, I learned more, and found Richard Bandler who taught me NLP. I studied with Richard for 4 years, making money teaching this to small groups. ( more story...)


(Returning home from my interesting adventure) I realized, I'm not so different from those labor working idiots and corporate slaves. They had hopes and dreams too, But I’m the one who became a success and financially independent. The truth’s the successful who take the risk and get the reward. If you want to change the realm you live in you have to show the gods you really want it. I was crazy enough to take the risk and lucky I guess... I came to realize where I was. You to are lucky as well. You're here aren't you. Reading this. Whether you take the risk, I can't control, I know this will improve your story telling and will have to risk actually following this advice.

Also, a few other things to note for a quest plot:

- Make sure you go around a lot! To all kinds of place on this quest for truth.

- The character is always on a search for wisdom

- Make sure the motivation is clear

- And of course, what the character is actually looking for is different than what he finds as truth.

Theme tip,

Slice of Life:

That means following characters through certain points in their life as it goes on like anyone else. That's it...To use this in copywriting, you will need to be selling someone who the audience can follow and to do this you're going to have to reveal a lot about them in a logical sequence.

It's similar to the show Seinfeld. A show about nothing but the characters are so likable and addictive you keep reading or watching, you have to know what happened because you can relate to having clogged the toilet and not wanting anyone to know.

This works best as an overall marketing tool and then the copy would follow suite and talk in the same tone as the character. Slice of Life works! Its just hard to do right.

If I was going a copywriting quest (sub story) and report back to you, and then make a product, every piece of copy would be slice of life (the theme) based. The quest would be a distraction and my wisdom secondary to the actual events and how I respond. or I could flip it and have the quest a main plot and the slice of life for connection and a down to earth feel let you enter my life.

I can cycle between countless stories all in one story.

I'll stop this piece here because I don't know if yall will like it and I don't want it to be long, I you like the content i'll make make threads with 2 or 3 different story strategies.
#master #plots #stories

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