looking for tips for my crappy blog

25 replies
I was just wondering if anyone has any tips they would like to share to make this blog/sales page look more professional.
Thanks Darren
#blog #crappy #tips
  • Profile picture of the author AlexCN

    Remember - Ugly can work and work VERY well. Especially in the IM niche, so you don't know how people will respond until you test a few different layouts.

    The one thing, however, that does not change is that people across all niches and in all markets like to be able to easily read what's on web pages.

    Black background with white text is what is commonly thought of as being the most difficult to read, but I'm not so sure any more...

    You may have outdone that with a black background and lime green and hot pink text.

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  • Profile picture of the author Fendaril
    Well are you really using this method to get $50 deposits daily?
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    • Profile picture of the author derb540
      I am using this method but am not making 50 a day.
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      • Profile picture of the author Fendaril
        Originally Posted by derb540 View Post

        I am using this method but am not making 50 a day.
        I would like to know how much you are making from this.
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        • Profile picture of the author derb540
          Originally Posted by Fendaril View Post

          I would like to know how much you are making from this.
          I have made 1 sale and that came from a traffic exchange but I was using free web host.
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          • Profile picture of the author Fendaril
            Originally Posted by derb540 View Post

            I have made 1 sale and that came from A traffic exchange.
            How long did you spend on that traffic exchange?

            Because you can probably scale that. Did you give 100% resale rights to this report?
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  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    I'd change the background color, maybe a brighter color just to be a bit more welcoming. Expand the width too of the overall content.

    What exactly are you trying to sell? Add more detail if you can. Have a better header. You want to spend more work with the design of your site.

    I would look into using customized or preset themes from Wordpress or even blogger. Try to show that you put effort too. People won't take you seriously if you're not serious with your business/website.

    Those are my 2 cents.

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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  • Profile picture of the author Grey Affiliate
    I agree with the above - I find it hard to concentrate on a page with a black background. It may work with the pink and green that you've got, but it needs to be a bit clearer (in my opinion) you've got black bars behind the text (in firefox anyway) - it may be a bit better if those vanished.
    GreyAffiliate.com - New Case studies, Affiliate news and Reviews (new website)

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  • Profile picture of the author rwow
    Being honest I didn't even read the text, the page isn't appealing at all. I would rather have a plain white page with simple colors then a rainbow on a black page.

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    You're main issue is credibility. You make $250 a day but have a free blogspot hosted page that looks like it was made in 1997. You think people are that dumb?
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    • Profile picture of the author derb540
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      You're main issue is credibility. You make $250 a day but have a free blogspot hosted page that looks like it was made in 1997. You think people are that dumb?
      Good Point
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  • Profile picture of the author Fendaril
    Ok I just brought my copy. Lets see how this works
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    • Profile picture of the author derb540
      Sent to your paypal email
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    • Profile picture of the author derb540
      Ok thanks everyone I am going to take this down and do it over.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coach Comeback
    The bolding on black highlight behind the first few lines makes it look really bad. The first thing I thought was one those sites that shows adsense when a domain is just parked. First impression was that it was not a real site.

    I think changing to white alone would help.
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  • Profile picture of the author wilks3y
    Black background with white text is particularly hard to read with those with SSS (Scotopic Sensisitivty Syndrone) I only know this because I had a close friend who couldn't read on anything other than blue paper, with black text.

    Black on white is the hardest for them to read, and she used to tell me that the letters moved, and danced around the page.

    Just thought I'd give you a heads up
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  • Profile picture of the author vedremo
    Honesty is the best policy. This will improve what needs to be improved in your site. It does look crappy which makes it look unprofessional. It's as if it's been made by a teenager who's learning how to use WordPress or Blogger. The font and background color should be changed.

    Remember that anything flashy and colorful is not suitable for a professional site. The more ostentatious a site is the more that it looks like a scam. Take note of all the pointers given by the other warriors. Apply them since they simply want what will help your site on a long-term basis.

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  • Profile picture of the author Riki Stein
    Correct grammar and punctuation would make you come across as more authentic and professional.
    Are you a newbie who would love to learn how to start making money online? Boy, do I have a free report for you!
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    • Profile picture of the author studioc5
      I would really recommend moving over to a different platform. Wordpress gives you a host of more options and you can make it look very professional if you use the right plugins, etc.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
        2 things:

        1) You can't sell people on the fact that you know what you're doing and are successful at it, when your site's appearance says otherwise. Whoever said 1997 nailed it.

        2) Headline
        " Wouldn't be amazing, checking your Paypal account and seeing multiple payments of $3.00 everyday.After activating the system that is exactly what the system does!"

        needs work.

        Imagine your PayPal account overflowing with cash, and you can't stop it!

        Tired of your wife and friends looking at you like you're nothing but a pie in the sky dreamer? Do they think you're clueless, because all your late nights on the Internet have given you nothing but eye strain? The doubts are creeping in, aren't they, despite the brave face you put on for them....
        For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
        After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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  • Profile picture of the author getakash1
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    • Profile picture of the author GlenH
      How long have you got for me to tell you everything that's wrong with this page.

      - That headline is so boring, and it offers nothing to peak the interest of anyone who happens to land on that page.
      - Careless typos and bad formatting
      - Get a 'Money Making System' for three bucks. (believable...yeh right)
      - Payment button under the sub-head. Are you kidding me!!!
      - No optin form to at least try to capture a prospects details.
      - Using a free blogger account. You're not serious?

      My tip is to get a pro to set this up. Even someone from Fiverr would do a better job than what you have now. At least then you might just make a few bucks (in all honesty, it's miracle you made one sale)

      Sorry if all that's harsh, but unless to know the reality, you'll keep floundering around getting nowhere.
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      • Profile picture of the author derb540
        A little harsh lol but I appreciate your honesty.
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        • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
          Originally Posted by derb540 View Post

          A little harsh lol but I appreciate your honesty.
          It was harsh, but it's also the most helpful feedback so far.

          There are a ton of newbies in this forum who are trying to position themselves as experts by giving feedback. Most likely, they read it in a "how to become an expert without actually being one..." information product.

          I'm sure they mean well, but there's some very bad advice on this thread. Too nice and friendly, not objective and obviously born more out of "enthusiastic ignorance," than in-the-trenches experience.

          You've got a lot of issues here, and most of the experienced copywriting won't have time to cover it all. You need to read this thread very closely and go through your copy with a fine tooth comb:


          I know, more harsh words, but if you're in this to get people to pay you money, you've got to face what's real and get your hands dirty creating something that will work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
    Glen's right. Payment should be last, or at least after you've built some value into the offer.

    When discussing copywriting, feedback is often painful, but like taking your pushups only halfway down, avoiding pain now leads to poor performance later.
    For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
    After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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