Here's Why You Can't Sell Your Stupid E-Book.
People buy information. They buy solutions.
They buy complete courses, niche specific reports with "insider secrets"...
They buy ways to make more money, or to improve their way of life. They buy solutions to problems...
They buy "systems" and "treatments" and "programs". But they don't buy e-books.
Because "e-books" are perceived to be of little to no value. They're junk content that sits on your hard drive... Usually less valuable than free information found on Wikipedia or forums.
I'm not just talking about internet marketing.
My mom would never buy a "scammy e-book" but she'll spend money all day long on courses that teach her how to make more money as a wholesale print distributor.
When I was joining the military (2003) I wouldn't have bought an "e-book" on basic training but I would have definitely invested in a "How To Survive BMT" course written by a former Drill Instructor.
The term "e-book" KILLS credibility and value. They're officially dead. (I'm not just talking ****, I have data to back this up.)
Want to sell your product? Don't mention the word "e-book" anywhere on the sales page.
Focus on selling a solution...
A "comprehensive course that teaches you the inside secrets to xyz"...
"Your step by step guide to mastering..."
"Don't even think about x... Until you discover this shockingly simple solution to y, on page 53 of this training manual"...
In conclusion, if you want to sell an "e-book", don't focus on selling an e-book.
Sell the solution to your customers problems... And offer them something they want to buy.
Hint: Nobody wants to buy an "e-book". And I'm telling you right now that if the word "e-book" is on your sales page, it's hurting your conversions.
If you currently have the word "e-book" on your sales page, and you change the terminology to "comprehensive training course" or something of that nature, and it doesn't improve the conversion rate, PLEASE PM me because I'd be curious as hell about your results.
A HUGE point to remember in marketing is positioning your product... And you have a choice.
You can position it as another crappy "e-book" thrown together by a nobody or you can position it as an all inclusive "training course" written by an authority on the subject that takes your prospect by the hand and solves all of their problems.
The bottom line is to stop selling "e-books" and start selling solutions.
This is probably common sense to a lot of you but I see enough sales pages pitching "e-books" on a daily basis to warrant the post.
Any thoughts on the subject?
Thanks for reading,
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