People who want to become copywriters...

by gjabiz
2 replies
become copywriters.

Over the last 5 years I've kept track of many people who came here and other places saying they want to become copywriters. Few do.


Is it because they drank the Copywriter as Biz-op Kool-Aid? Perhaps.

There are some persuasive promotions out there touting how simple and easy it is to turn your writing skills into a 6 figure a year, part-time, work from anywhere, portable briefcase business with Internet Lifestyle attached...

and many have bought it. Literally. Sip a cool ice tea, get a tan, write a little now and then, get paid large sums of money, well, you know the dream.

And from what I can tell, it remains a dream, a fantasy for the majority of people who said they wanted to become a copywriter.

So, I again assert, those who WANT to become a copywriter, become one.

And there is the big stumbling block I've seen over the years...people thinking they want something without knowing what they really want. Or why they want it.

AND even more disturbing are the numbers of people who can't answer the simplest and most basic of questions... WHAT DO YOU WANT? AND WHY?

So, today, I only work with people who can answer those two questions and it has eliminated so many from even asking for my can I possibly help someone who doesn't know where they are going? Because in a few months, or a little ways down the road, they get distracted, get side-tracked, get detoured, want something else...pursue a new dream, get lost and just keep spinning their life wheels. Getting to nowhere fast.

I have a simple question to ask you...what do YOU want? And why?

If you want to become a copywriter, you will. Simply do what a successful copywriter does, which is WRITE copy that works. Simple? Easy?


#copyriters #people
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

    I have a simple question to ask you...what do YOU want? And why?
    Simple question... but not always simple to answer.

    For most people, it's a process... a matter of experiencing various things until they find the "what" and the "why".

    It's called life.

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    • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
      Over the last 5 years I've kept track of many people who came here and other places saying they want to become copywriters. Few do.
      There are some good reasons and some bad reasons why this happens.

      What I mean is, sometimes the decision NOT to become a copywriter is truly the right move for someone, and in other cases, it is a lack of the discipline, direction and hard work needed to make it happen.

      I am thinking of people who took one or another of my courses/coaching programs and then put it aside. Sometimes the reason is that being in the program made them realize that this is not the right path for them. Less often, life sends them too many challenges and they let their desire drop and get stomped on.

      So I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing, what Gordon has pointed out.

      Marcia Yudkin
      Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
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