Email marketing start up

9 replies
I wanna start my email marketing campaign, but where I have to start I do no know about this. can any body know or suggest about this ?
#email #marketing #start
  • Profile picture of the author Chriswrighto
    Originally Posted by Assignmentwriter View Post

    I wanna start my email marketing campaign, but where I have to start I do no know about this. can any body know or suggest about this ?
    Unsure what you're asking but check out either Ben Settle or John Mcintyre for their method of email marketing.

    I like it.

    If you're looking for an email copywriter, check out the Warriors for Hire section.


    If you're looking at learning how to write emails...

    Read Mark's post here.
    Signature :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Assignmentwriter
    Thanks for reply my question is that how could start email marketing? recently I downloaded send blaster what should I do after that ? i am very confused about that.
    Prospring launch offering a 100 Million in Prizes and stacks of benefits each week.

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  • Profile picture of the author Langeani
    Do you have a list already?

    Facebook ads from the start! Check out this free course here

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  • Profile picture of the author jenrlo
    You need to have something on your site that readers will want to complete an opt in form for, for example a free report or an ebook and this is the way, you build up your list for email marketing.

    So, you have two things to do.

    1 Decide what you will offer readers in terms of good value that will make them happy to give you their email address
    2 I am not familiar with send blaster however they probably have tutorials for step by step way to use the program. Then set aside some time to learn how to use the program properly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Langeani
    If you don't have a list, than what jenrlo said makes sense.

    Have you choosen a niche where you'll be working? Do you have a blog, a product, a squeeze page, anything like that?

    If you don't you should pick a niche, choose some product to promote (from clickbank or the likes) or developing your own product, so that you can set up a page where you'll get people's email in exchange for something.

    You could offer a 7 day free course, a video, whatever.
    Click on the links on my signature and you'll see how I capture emails to build my list. I offer something in exchange for their mail signature.

    When they sign up, I have a series of emails that are being sent to them, 7 or 8 emails, that complement what they've opted in for.

    After that, I can send emails to them whenever I like.

    This is very condensed. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, let me know and I will see if I can find a post or a product that will make more sense for ya.

    Facebook ads from the start! Check out this free course here

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  • Profile picture of the author osensnolf
    Email marketing is not an easy task but it is one that pays well if done right. Many abuse it and promote garbage.

    You can buy a list but many are not clean.

    You can build a list but it takes a lot of time.

    I recommend identifying a group that you are going after (florist). Then build an email list with those companies and individuals.

    Methods of going after every people in the world will not work.

    Also, I do not recommend Send Blaster Pro. I like Interspire because of the advanced tracking and custom add-ons that can be purchased.
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  • Profile picture of the author Assignmentwriter
    I have a website and also a blog.
    Prospring launch offering a 100 Million in Prizes and stacks of benefits each week.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jasmn
    Has anyone heard of or have experience with clickback dot com? Unlike most vendors such as mailchimp or eweber they will send to a paid list. Apparently, due to their software, they claim that there is no risk of spam reports...I haven't been able to find anything to support or discredit this claim.
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