Using copywriting skills for online marketing
I´m new to all this, started learning about copywriting back in January and I think it´s cool!
I´ve read a few books on it by the greats such as Sugarman, Ogilvy, Collier, Schwartz etc. And have been following Halbert´s technique of copy great ads by hand.
However, I feel a little frustrated. I know I have developed persuasive writing skills but I don´t know what to do next. Like how to direct it. All I know is I love the idea of writing something that will persuade people to buy what I write about.
I would like to get into internet marketing and write ads for which I can then make money from. I just don´t have much knowledge about any of this, like how to get started. I´ve been searching on the net but feel kinda clueless.
Can somebody be kind enough to point me in the right direction?
Cheers a lot in advance!
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