How to find a good list for direct mail?

9 replies
I read somewhere (I think it was either Dan Kennedy or Gary Halbert) that the quality of the list you mail to is more important than the copy (which comes in a close second). So my question is, for those of you who do direct mail, how do you go about finding a good list? Also, how much should I expect to spend?
#direct #find #good #list #mail
  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    Get a copy of Craig Simpson's book, Direct Mail Solutions. He gives you good info. on how to get a mailing list etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by NateJasper View Post

    I read somewhere (I think it was either Dan Kennedy or Gary Halbert) that the quality of the list you mail to is more important than the copy (which comes in a close second). So my question is, for those of you who do direct mail, how do you go about finding a good list? Also, how much should I expect to spend?
    Rates vary.depending on the list and the selects you choose. You can get a good idea of prices at Name Finders (a list broker).

    As an example, the mailing list "Active Senior Fitness Devotees" charges a base fee of $90 per thousand. If you only want people in a certain income range, that costs $5 per thousand extra. Here's the URL: Active Senior Fitness Devotees

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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Originally Posted by NateJasper View Post

    I read somewhere (I think it was either Dan Kennedy or Gary Halbert) that the quality of the list you mail to is more important than the copy (which comes in a close second). So my question is, for those of you who do direct mail, how do you go about finding a good list? Also, how much should I expect to spend?
    B2B or B2C?
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    • Profile picture of the author NateJasper
      Originally Posted by sethczerepak View Post

      B2B or B2C?
      B2C (extra characters since the forum requires a minimum of ten characters per post--stupid rule)
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      • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
        Originally Posted by NateJasper View Post

        B2C (extra characters since the forum requires a minimum of ten characters per post--stupid rule)
        1) Infousa offers a free 50 lead trial. You can create the exact profile of the business you want to target. Their information is pretty damn solid.
        2) Some of my clients use That List Lady | List Broker | Mailing Lists for Direct Mail Campaigns and have said really good things about her.
        3) Build your own list by putting this into Google:

        For immediate release: person you want to contact

        That will bring up the person's full contact information AND (most important) a press release about their company. For example, I just did it in my area with "marketing manager..." and this came up on page one...

        This way, you can customize the first contact by leading with..."My name is ____, I read your press release about____."

        Takes more time, but I've gotten phenomenal response rates by using this approach. Sometimes one out of every two sent out.
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        • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
          Nate, there are 5 types of lists which affect your response and ROI.

          1 compiled

          2 responder

          3 buyer

          4 hotlist

          5 media responded to

          Compiled list is drawn from more than one source
          about the person.

          Responder is a person who has responded to an ad, direct mail or survey
          but didn't buy.

          Buyer is somebody who bought a product and often
          their is a record as to how much was spent.

          Hotlist is how recent the purchase was made.
          The more recent a purchase is made the higher response and ROI
          of the mailing, hence a premium is added to recency.

          Media bought is important because if the buyer bought from a tv commercial
          they don't respond well to mail.

          For the biggest directory of mailing lists which cover all these criteria,
 have them.

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        • Profile picture of the author splitTest
          Originally Posted by sethczerepak View Post

          1) Infousa offers a free 50 lead trial. You can create the exact profile of the business you want to target. Their information is pretty damn solid.
          2) Some of my clients use That List Lady | List Broker | Mailing Lists for Direct Mail Campaigns and have said really good things about her.
          3) Build your own list by putting this into Google:

          For immediate release: person you want to contact

          That will bring up the person's full contact information AND (most important) a press release about their company. For example, I just did it in my area with "marketing manager..." and this came up on page one...

          This way, you can customize the first contact by leading with..."My name is ____, I read your press release about____."

          Takes more time, but I've gotten phenomenal response rates by using this approach. Sometimes one out of every two sent out.

          This is great, Seth. How do you come up with this stuff?
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  • Profile picture of the author Tan Shengg
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    • Profile picture of the author angiecolee
      Originally Posted by Tan Shengg View Post

      Fastest way to get a good list is to buy solo ads from reputation solo ads buyers.


      The free way is to provide people "free things" for them to opt in to your list.
      Dude - do you even read these posts before offering advice?

      Aspiring copywriters: if you need 1:1 advice from an experienced copy chief, head over to my Phone a Friend page.

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