Finding an honest overseas agent?

3 replies
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How does one go about this?

I want to find someone on the ground over in Hong Kong that I can trust to inspect potential products to be sold on Amazon who will work with a REAL manufacturer, without feeding me a middle man.

Thanks in advance.
#agent #finding #honest #overseas
  • Profile picture of the author ccrc56

    I am based in Hong Kong and had been living in Canada for 6 months.

    I worked for a MNCs last year and help the company to do some sourcing and shipment handling.

    Anything I can help?
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    • Profile picture of the author boobooch5
      Could you recommend an agent or two who will help me weed out the middle men posing as manufacturers and give a good, honest appraisal of goods I might be looking to purchase?

      How would such an agent be paid? Commission based on the purchase?
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      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Originally Posted by boobooch5 View Post

        Could you recommend an agent or two who will help me weed out the middle men posing as manufacturers and give a good, honest appraisal of goods I might be looking to purchase?

        How would such an agent be paid? Commission based on the purchase?
        Hi Boobooch,

        You have my book that shows you how to avoid middlemen, so why pay more to use someone you don't know in China to do it for you?

        You can PM me if you need help.

        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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