Best Dropshippers Or Wholesale Companies,,, Yes, Someone's asking again...

5 replies
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Hey all, For about the past week I have been scouring the internet for legitimate wholesale and drop shipping companies for certain new ventures I am testing out.

I wanna make sure that before I invest money that I have exhausted all leads,,,, and I feel like I have. I'm sure many will say to do it on my own is the best way but, I have and am NOT finding what I am looking for,,,, a FAST drop shipper.

I want trusted, reliable companies. I don't care if I have to pay for a membership or not. Money isn't the issue,, it's time. I can afford ALL the memberships but I don't really wanna waste the time (and money) figuring out that the company isn't what I wanted.

So I'm asking if anyone knows of and has USED any good wholesale/drop shipping companies whether they are a paid or not. Like, Doba? World Wide Brands? eSources?

Also, I really don't want to ship out of China because I have researched some companies with nothing but negative reviews (mostly)

So any input can help. Thanks!

Robert C.---->
#companies #dropshippers #wholesale
  • Profile picture of the author LABEShops
    Finding dropshippers really is not hard, but first you need to decide on what products you want to sell. You made no mention of that.

    My suggestion is to pick 1 or 2 types of products, then do some searching for manufacturers of those products and then contact the manufacturer. Some do dropship and going straight to the source will be a lot more reliable and better margins. Others will be able to tell you their distributors you can contact and see if they do dropshipping (more and more are doing it these days). I would avoid the paid ones that are usually everything under the sun and not great margins or reliable.

    Build your site around those products, master the process, then go looking for other suppliers or product types to expand your offerings.

    Owner of & 20+ Niche Online Stores as well as and other sites. Recommended Host: Evolve

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert X
    Hey thanks,,,, yeah,,, I already have the products I want to get started with. It's in the security niche. I have everything ready and waiting for a decent manufacturer, supplier, drop shipper, wholesaler or whatever. For that matter, I have even found a couple of drop shippers that I may use.

    So thank you. I'm just really asking if anyone around here uses a supplier that they trust. Also, with the method I will be using, I'm kinda looking to find many different products to be able to use in the future.

    Robert C.


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  • Profile picture of the author JosephI
    In my experience, they all vary. ie: DOBA
    The manufactures tied to them do the drop shipping so if you look at their site,
    you can see the different manufacturers and their average shipping time.
    It pays to sign up for the 7 plus days of trial period and canvas the sites to
    see if they suit your needs.
    You seem to be knowledgeable in the process so you know that after prices
    its all in the shipping.
    I do think that anyone with a great supplier has a tendency to keep it to themselves,
    sort of like the sacred fishing hole..
    Drop shipping definitely not for the faint of hearth
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  • Profile picture of the author Kleean
    I found a few of them on AliExpress I hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    VERY RARELY does it make sense to use giant "wholesale dropshippers" to source products. You are almost always better off sourcing through the manufacturer of your targeted brand or one of the MARKET SPECIFIC distributors that buys in bulk from them. 99% of general wholesale dropship companies are middlemen using the above approach and marking everything up to take the majority of the margins!
    Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
    We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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