Shipping? See my questions about shipping... I have a few :)

8 replies
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Ok,, hello and thanks for whatever you may have to help.

I'm planning on offering product on certain sites. I see a lot of questions here about the process of "drop shipping" and where to find products and all that but, not anything about the "shipping" process. (If you're not drop shipping)

Here's actually my deal: I need to have my orders that come in have tracking numbers.
However, when I get the orders they will be in bulk,,, could be any amount from 1 - 100+.

The advertising platform that I plan to use requires advertisers to have orders with tracking numbers back to them rapidly (within 48 hours) to give to their customers.

I'm sure there has to be a way to "bulk" order shipping with USPS or UPS or others(?). I don't know anything about it (I can do individuals) and that's why I'm here asking. Yes, I have the info on the product weight and all that but, I'm ready to hit the launch button on my product offer but I MUST be able to ship a lot fast. There's gotta be a better way than manually typing in each order and doing each order one at a time. (what if you get thousands of orders a day?)

Does Shopify or any of the other ( I plan to use Shopify) ecommerce platforms offer any type of linking to, or plugins that have some sort of auto shipping payment? Or anything to do with the shipping process? Any type of linking from USPS, or UPS to my site so each order gets shipping and tracking immediately?

Do you guys get what I'm saying? My ad platform sends me orders in bulk. I need to take those orders, how ever many, and get shipping and tracking in 2 days.

So my question here is how do I do bulk order (100-1000 orders) shipping and tracking without doing it all manually?


Robert C.
#questions #shipping
  • Profile picture of the author onlinecommerce
    I would check out .. It is a web based application that exports all your orders from your store into its interface where you buy postage ( or link your shipping accounts ) and ship via USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc.

    You can set rules so certain items are automatically configured to ship a certain method including weight, size shipping method etc. You can print labels in bulk and it will automatically update your store marking them as shipped and send an email to the customer with their tracking number.

    I have been using it for a couple of years now and it dramatically cuts down on the time it takes to print shipping labels.
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  • ShipStation is a really popular shipping software. We also know of ShipWorks and ShippingEasy. I work for a 3P inventory management tool with shipping software built in, so while I have not used any of the above providers personally (as they are partial competitors), I can say that we hear nice things about ShipStation. I think any of these are definitely worth a look. Run free trials and ask lots of questions.

    Good luck to you!
    Tiana with ecomdash
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephI
    Ordoro bills itself as better than Shipstation, Read between the lines there but I believe both have free trial periods. Always good to test them for your needs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert X

    I've been looking on Youtube for how to use ShipStation.

    Robert C.--->


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  • Profile picture of the author Boutique
    I have been using for years now and it works pretty well and integrates with lots of shopping carts/sites but may not be the best for large bulk processing.
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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    i see shipstation has partnered w/ uship to cover LTL outoing/incoming product shipments, thats handy.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author jackshoes
    After Ship this soft wear is best solution of your problem . The feature of this soft wear is really good. This soft wear Auto track all your shipments - UPS, USPS, FedEx & 200+ couriers (Free) and Display tracking results on your store (Free). This soft wear has some paid function Notify customers when in transit, out for delivery, delivered and exceptions.
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