I'm a native Chinese supplier. I can answer your questions regarding sourcing from China
I can answer any questions you may have regarding sourcing from China, import & export and marketing etc., to the extent of my knowledge and experience.
Three or four years ago I found this forum by chance and became a member. I sold physical products. I remember that Warrior Forum had no place like this one to discuss eCommerce & physical products when I became a member back in 2011. It was pitty that due to my heavier and heavier workload, I haven't logged in for the past two years.
With the expansion of my business and the helps from more and more freelancers, I was able to get some free time to do something that interest me most. I visited Warrior Forum again, and I was so surprised to find that Warrior Forum already had a place to discuss physical products, wholesales and dropshipping. What a great progress! What interests me most is that when I was just about to import more (due to the appreciation of the Chinese currency, RMB), I found that almost everyone here are talking about drop shipping and importing from China, which happens to be my expertise.
I'm willing to help other warriors in this forum, just like what others had done to me when I was only a newbie (I'm so thankful to Warrior Forum about this). I also hope to get a chance to expand my export business through helping others, and to get the chance of working with a bunch of amazing talents/gurus together to do something big. Hope this will come true

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