Where to sell my eshop and it's inventory?

by vinc
2 replies
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Hello. I started an eshop for my girlfriend with awesome product thinking she will have fun with it, but it's not going anywhere. I ran it myself for a while and sold about 45 items in one month, but I have my own projects and don't have the time to run this.
As everything I sold was through paid advertising there is no real value in the shop itself. So I am looking to just bulk sell my remaining inventory which is 90 pices in my US warehouse and 65 in EU. Any suggestions what is the best place to do this?
Does anyone in here have any experience with Wholesale, Closeout and Surplus Auctions by Liquidators | Liquidation.com ?
Thank you
#eshop #inventory #sell
  • Profile picture of the author RhysEvans
    Maybe you could try sell your website on flippa.com as an ongoing concern. If your site is a unique product you may find it will sell for more than just selling your excess stock to a liquidator who at such a small quantity is unlikely to offer you very much indeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author jtr8178
    Originally Posted by vinc View Post

    Hello. I started an eshop for my girlfriend with awesome product thinking she will have fun with it, but it's not going anywhere. I ran it myself for a while and sold about 45 items in one month, but I have my own projects and don't have the time to run this.
    As everything I sold was through paid advertising there is no real value in the shop itself. So I am looking to just bulk sell my remaining inventory which is 90 pices in my US warehouse and 65 in EU. Any suggestions what is the best place to do this?
    Does anyone in here have any experience with Wholesale, Closeout and Surplus Auctions by Liquidators | Liquidation.com ?
    Thank you

    eBay would be my recommendation. I've purchased from Liquidation.com before, but never tried to sell anything on there.
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