Hi is there any solution for Magento custom options inventory management?

1 replies
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Hi there!

Please advice a solution, that allows displaying inventory for product custom options.
For example: I have 3 red White fabric sofas left, and 0 Black ones.
I'd like the clients to know that before ordering.

Is there any way to enable in on my Magento store?

Any ideas?

Thank you
#custom #inventory #magento #management #options #solution
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by FineSEO View Post

    Hi there!

    Please advice a solution, that allows displaying inventory for product custom options.
    For example: I have 3 red White fabric sofas left, and 0 Black ones.
    I'd like the clients to know that before ordering.

    Is there any way to enable in on my Magento store?

    Any ideas?

    Thank you

    Maybe this might help? : Show stock levels in Magento | Eddie May
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