Electronics Dropshippers with Excel/CSV Inventory Download

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First time post - yay for me!

Do any experienced dropshippers know of dopship sites (mobile phone/tablet accessories) that provide a feed of their inventory via excel/csv file or the like?

Simple stuff like:
-product information
-stock on hand

on a daily/weekly basis?

Just finding each time i find a good source, its a huge pain to go through to confirm SOH...
Don't want to be in a situation where i place an order and site is out of stock.

This piece would complete my semi automated drop shipping puzzle...

Any help/direction would be great!

Cheers Warriors.
#download #dropshippers #electronics #excel or csv #inventory
  • Profile picture of the author sdalby
    Hi MasoPaseo,

    I'm looking for the exact same to help automate my entire work flow and dropshipping inventory management between myself and our suppliers.

    Did you find a good template or possibly have one you would be happy to share here with the rest of the Warriors?

    Many thanks MasoPaseo and hope life online is treating you well.

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