Amazon slow moving inventory

6 replies
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Hallo everyone,

I had 2 product that i would like to get rid from Amazon USA can anyone help or suggest to anyone, website or company to sell to?.

In total i had about 470 unit

thank you
#amazon #inventory #moving #slow
  • Profile picture of the author Bolagbe Ige E
    how can i drive more traffic to my affiliate link can you help guys
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  • Profile picture of the author DonaldMac
    What's the product? Can you not try and sell on eBay?

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    • Profile picture of the author Dante Galahad
      The products are

      1. coffee set
      2. replacement electric toothbrush head

      I have tried listed on Ebay and i did not get a single order from them at all. I believe due to the fact that i require to raise the price because i need to pay both ebay and amazon fee.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Amazon frequently will buy excess inventory from you. Have you asked them?

    You could also do a Google search for "inventory liquidators" and find a ton of companies that buy excess there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dante Galahad
      Other than Amazon what will be the best liquidation company in the USA that you can suggest?. How about a company that can help you sell on your behalf base on profit sharing?.
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  • Profile picture of the author stockutopia
    not sure of the coffee set, but the replacement heads for electric toothbrush.... i sell them very fast when i get them... they are one of those items that sell for a lot of money at cvs and online they sell for 1/3 to 1/2 the price of retail.. we buy shelf pulls on these items and pay about 10% of retail. it seems you paid too much for the heads. just a guess because you haven't sold them yet. you may have to take a loss on these , that's part of the game. good luck,
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