Why set your budget to $5 a day for 3 days, when you can do $15 for 1 day and get results sooner?

by sdlive
1 replies
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Why set your budget at $5 for 3 days, when you can do $15 for 1 day?

Faster results in shorter period of time = less time wasted waiting?
#day #facebook #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
    Because your ad needs time to optimize.

    You could go with any number really, but just keep in mind that it is better to start slow.

    I usually start with a PPE ad for $5. If the numbers look good, I will delete the PPE ad and then do a Ad to cart ad, then if the numbers are good I will switch to a Purchase ad.

    I always start with $5 per day for all of them. The thing is most of your ads won't be good ads, so if you put $20 per day for each one of them, you will lose a lot of money. With $5 per day you should be able to be able to read the data properly and see what you should do next.
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