Where can I get permission to resell eBooks?

3 replies
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I am building a subscription website for eBooks. I already found a supplier for PLR ebooks for my initial inventory. But I am planning to do this in longer term. Do you know where or how I get permission to resell ebooks? Anyone tried this? How does it work?
#ebooks #find #permission #resell
  • Profile picture of the author JennyPitula
    See Books means You can sell, but you have to check with Bookadda or flipkart, how they start that business, hunt seller in justdial, also if you have website then take SEO services from like MOZ, IMedaidesign etc,They will suggest you about business .
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    • Profile picture of the author rosepcreatives
      I wanted to start with eBooks. I am worried that I might violate some copyright if I resell the ebooks from my personal collection. I have been searching for publishers who allow reselling of ebooks, but I cannot find any clear process on how that works.
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  • Profile picture of the author fbatraders
    I'm also looking for more info about this "Private Label Rights" and "Master Resell Rights" of ebooks but couldn't find any. How can someone verify a PLR is a legit one????
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