Print On Demand Course

by sanhal
3 replies
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Does anyone know of a good, up to date Print On Demand course?
#demand #print
  • Profile picture of the author Peter Koch
    In my humble opinion, you'd be a fool to pay thousands for a course or bootcamp, when you could spend that on marketing.

    Start with this blogs:
    No. 1 Merch Informer

    No. 2 Merch Pursuits

    No. 3 Michael Essek

    No. 4 Niche Pursuits

    No. 5 Seller at Heart

    No. 6 The Arbing Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Brand
    I agree with Peter. I have looked into a few courses, but none have given me much info that I couldn't find for free. Besides, they all seem to eventually try to get you to dump a bundle on FB advertising, or whatever it is that they are swearing by these days. Just use common sense and try and come up with original designs that have an identifiable niche you can target. Choose a few of the better known POD sites and focus on those. If you give it everything you've got, 3 -5 POD sites will more than keep you busy.
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  • Profile picture of the author raincoast
    A course on how to Print on Demand? Have you poked around CreateSpace?
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