RE Magento 2: What is the Best Way to Build Inventory Control, Quickbooks Sync, and eBay Sync
Basically, I would like to know how, or what extensions, people use to manage inventory in Magento 2. I would like to be able to make purchase orders based on sales velocity and forcasting (at the very least by low stock points and order up to points).
I would also like to know what extension would be best to sync to quickbooks. I have the destop version, but if the online version would be better for the available options for Magento, then I dont mind switching.
I would also like to know what extensions, or how, I can sync my ebay sales and qty to Magento 2.
Basically, I would like to have it set up so that when an item sells on ebay, then it will adjust the qty on Magento, so that the stock stays correct, and vise versa when an order comes in on Magento I would like it to update on ebay. And also when those orders come in, I would like it to update Quickbooks, so that I dont have to manually do that. And then when it comes time to reorder stock, I would like to be able to quickly have it tell me what I need to reorder and the qty for each item based on forecasting and lead time. And then when the purchase order of restock arrives, once i accept the items in, I would like it to update Quickbooks, Magento 2, and eBay.
I appecriate andy and all advice. Also please note I cannot afford a full blown ERP program like SAP, and I dont want to pay $500 a month for some of the online inventory cloud programs. If possible, I would like to purchase something like an extension that I own. But I would like to hear any and all advice.
Thank you again for your help.
brentclark2003 -
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