which strategy can i based on to find the profitable ( winning ) products to sales on my store ?

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please need your help
i'm a new marketer trying to growth my business ( online store )
i don't have a specific Niche ( general store ) at this time I just want to sales the winning products . Then based on a specific analyzing i will pick a niche . so help please how can i find this winning products
suppose for me a strategies that can help me
Thaaaaaank you very much .
#based #find #products #profitable #sales #store #strategy #winning
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  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
    Invest in a good course teaching you this.

    For a new pixel start optimizing with ATC first, after you spend $25 analyze the data and make a decision. Look for a high CTR, Low CPC link clicks, low CPM
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    We look for products that you cannot find in any sort of wide variety in a local store that have a lot of searches and relatively low competition in the search engines for various keyword phrases.

    There is no magic formula for figuring that out. You need to keep your eyes and mind open and discover those things for yourself. You can find many in magazines, by visiting a store and seeing how few selections are available for any given product line or by constantly looking at the world around you and looking for things that people are using and if you have to ask yourself, "where do you buy that?", you might have a winning product niche.
    BizSellers.com - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
    We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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