Can't see a reason to sell on Amazon or Ebay

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Just looking for opinions on this: We currently sell books and health products but have never setup our own Amazon page.

Now, there are already people selling our books on Amazon (presumably via a distributor). Since you cannot really market to Amazon customers, I can't see any good reason to put any effort into selling on Amazon because if there is any 'brand recognition' value to being on there, it's already happening and from what I can see the numbers of books being sold by others is quite low (not to mention Amazon's exorbitant fees).

So is there any good reason for us to create what would essentially be a 'me too' page when our books are already on there?

The same sentiment applies to Ebay but at least with Ebay it's a bit more casual regarding marketing after a sale and in my experience Ebay buyers are more open to responding and buying direct whereas Amazon buyers stay on Amazon.
#amazon #ebay #reason #sell
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    Ebay could help you a lot. As you know your book is already popular it should sell well.

    As Ebay has a page rank of 10 listings usually appear at the top of Google - so you could get some free traffic from Google.

    I would give it a try - I am sure you will make extra money - and a new source of customers and revenue.

    Hope you do well.

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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    I'm not sure that I completely understand the situation. You say "our books" and I'm not sure if that means you wrote or published the books or that you are a retailer selling the same books that everyone else is.

    If they are, indeed, your books, then I wouldn't worry about being on Amazon. Everyone else is marketing them there for you. If you are a retailer selling the same books as everyone else, Amazon might at least give you more traffic and sales.

    Yes, Amazon charges a pretty penny for each sale but at least it is not cost per click, where you have no guarantee of anyone ever buying. With Amazon, you only pay when there is a sale (other than very minimum listing fees) and they also do the payment processing, so about 3% of their fee you would be paying anyway.
    Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
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  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    Don't remove eBay from your list of options. It could be one of your strongest cards in here. You won't have problems selling books in there, too. Well, you're not going there for a popularity contest. You'll go there to sell and if you're offering something of high quality, your competitors won't be a problem. -Micah
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Cox
    It is better to have presence on both platforms than not, Amazon is usually a little more expensive than ebay and its buyers are a bit of taking their purchases and not comment, but it does not stop being a great showcase where to show.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    The biggest benefit to selling on Amazon; expose your eBook to a worldwide market. The network is all over the place, quite literally, and you cannot get that type of exposure on any other platform online. Not even close. I'd say to go with it, but if you go the Kindle Select route you'd need to sell the eBook exclusively through Amazon to keep it eligible for the program.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    I think you should open up a store in OfferUp. They are growing these days.Might be very fruitful after some time being. Here's some writing to look to give you some thoughts.
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