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Hello Everyone,

My name is Stephanie and I have a bit of a dilemma. So I recently launched Laurel Essentials, a natural haircare line and I began selling my first product on Etsy. So far, I've been getting about 20-50 views on my listing per day but none of them has generated into actual sales. I'm completely stuck and I can't seem to find the solution to my problem just yet. If possible, I would greatly appreciate it if you would the time to check out my listing and offer some tips or advice on how I can increase my conversion rate and make sales. I'll leave the link to my Etsy listing below. Thank you so much in advance!

Etsy Listing -
#sales #views
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Stephanie, I see you've got 9 people in your cart at the moment. Are you accepting Etsy payments?

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      Stephanie, I see you've got 9 people in your cart at the moment. Are you accepting Etsy payments?
      Yes. My store accepts major credit cards,paypal and Etsy gift cards. So far, I only made 1 sale within this past month. It seems like people are interested in my product but for some odd reason its just not generating into sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Hi Stephanie,

    I looked at your shampoo listing, and I have a couple suggestions for you.

    First, I have a quick question for you...

    How are people ending up at your store? (how are you driving traffic to your listing?)

    Organic search (specific keywords)? Paid advertising? Social media engagement?

    I'm only asking because, if you're getting a steady flow of traffic, but no sales, then one possibility is there might be a disconnect of brand message, when people land on your listing.

    For example: If you're hanging out on social media, and talking about your products in an upbeat, enthusiastic and excited manner... but then people go to your listing and see an ordinary (translated: = boring) product page... your visitors enthusiasm to buy, can drop off pretty quick.

    (And of course, it works both ways... If someones marketing comes across as analytical, and strictly professional, but their store looks like it was designed by Little Polly Princess... potential customers might get turned off by the mixed message)

    Now obviously, we want to keep your store looking like a legitimate, trustworthy business. But a congruent message throughout the sales process, is also a thing.

    In which case we may need to look at your product sales copy, to ensure consistency of your brands message.
    And this all depends on what type of of message your audience is pre-disposed to find when they click through to your page. (based on your marketing)

    Speaking of sales copy...

    We may also want to check for spelling and grammar errors. Subtle little things can often cause people to hesitate during the flow of their buyers journey. And we need to reduce friction from the sale, as much as possible.

    Right now, your copy says the following ...

    "The perfect shampoo for ALL HAIR TYPES. A medinical solution that gently cleanses and remove product buildup while leaving your natural tresses moisturized."

    Did you mean medicinal solution? (I don't think that "medinical" is a word that's easily understood by most people)

    And in this context, the word remove should have an "s" at the end (gently cleanses and removes product buildup.)

    These are simple little typos. The likes of which happen to the best of us (they happen to me, far more often then I'd like to admit) but fixing them can help with the natural flow of your message

    One final thought, for now...

    You may also just need to drive more traffic to your store. It might be that you haven't hit the right numbers yet, or the right "group" of people yet.

    Although, it looks like people are in your cart, and some have "favorited" your listing. So that tells us some people are at least raising their hands and saying they're "interested" in your offer.

    Now, I'm not personally familiar with the Etsy setup. But is there any way for you to contact these interested people?

    If there is, then let's also figure out the best way to re-engage with those visitors who are still on the fence. Because they could be some of your most likely first time buyers.

    The hardest sale to make to a person, is the first sale. Once they become more familiar with you, and learn to trust you, it's far easier to make the second sale (and the third sale)

    So a few things to think about are...

    - consistency of your sales funnel message

    - fix those typos and grammar errors

    - see what you can do to identify, and attract more of the "right" audience

    - and try to re-engage the people who have already shown some interest

    Hopefully something in this post strikes a cord with you, and gives you some ideas to help you move your business forward?

    If any of it helps, at all... then you're welcome.

    If it doesn't help... then just let me know, and I'll cheerfully give you a 200% refund on the price you paid for this free advice

    All the best,

    Grow Your Copywriting Skills & Network with Other Copywriting Professionals - Join us at the Copywriters Forum

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11328095].message }}
  • it's normal online....99 tyre kickers for one genuine interest.
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  • Profile picture of the author teddyjames
    You only have one product?
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  • Profile picture of the author PBScott
    If all your keywords are very accurate so you are attracting the right type of customer, one that is very interested in exactly what you are selling, a good conversion rate as mentioned above is about 2%.
    Most people do not achieve 2% because they attract the wrong people, this is something you need to make sure you do well, attracting the wrong people will likely lead to less visitors in the future as the algorithms deem your page unworthy of their visitors.

    If you don't look at this => Really Funny Shirts <= you missed something in life

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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Start decreasing the price by 50 cents each week until you find the correct selling price sweet spot customers are actually willing to pay.
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  • Profile picture of the author DripRevenue
    Originally Posted by Stephanie Voltaire View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Stephanie and I have a bit of a dilemma. So I recently launched Laurel Essentials, a natural haircare line and I began selling my first product on Etsy. So far, I've been getting about 20-50 views on my listing per day but none of them has generated into actual sales. I'm completely stuck and I can't seem to find the solution to my problem just yet. If possible, I would greatly appreciate it if you would the time to check out my listing and offer some tips or advice on how I can increase my conversion rate and make sales. I'll leave the link to my Etsy listing below. Thank you so much in advance!

    Etsy Listing -
    Why not switch to a platform like Shopify? Shopify is going to give you control of so many more variables, compared to Etsy.

    The problem could be the product itself (not bashing your product at all, it's just constructive criticism), the advertising, or the site structure... or even worse all three.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nour Haba
    Hi ! I just finished a course in digital marketing, and I'm looking to add work experience to my resume. Let me know if you need a partner in crime with your digital marketing?
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Have you considered a free+ shipping offer? Sending out a smaller size so that people can sample your product might help you build up an email list and if they like it, re-orders and referrals.
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