Building links to E-commerce sites

by 2 replies
hey guys,

recently i've been working with clients on their SEO that have e-commerce websites. Obviously e-com sites don't have the most amount of content in terms of text.

My question is, do you build links to certain pages of their sites that have a lot of text if you can't add content or dont want to add a lot of text on the actual store page? Take this page for example, this is the product page of a pinot grigio wine product, you obvioulsy want to build the rank for that page. Do you add more text to it to bolster your link building strategy or would links suffice and i guess how much text is enough text?

Would love to know any experiences you guys have had marketing e-coms sites on google.

thanks guys!
#ecommerce sites, wholesaling & drop shipping #building #ecommerce #links #sites
  • My initial response would be to add a few posts below the product. Maybe benefits of that wine or good reviews. While I like the simple approach to the product page, it could definitely use something else that tells us about what it is exactly.
  • It is next to impossible to get links to product pages unless you have one heck of a product. Usually, those type of links come from product reviews done by other sites (and quite often, those are no-followed affiliate links).

    Typically, you create resource articles on the website and interesting blog content to earn links to an eCommerce site. Some of the authority is passed through the domain and distributed to other pages via internal links.

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