Shopify Serve resources from constant URL
I run one of my site through GTMetrix, and got this "Serve resources from a constant URL". These are the details :-
The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 2 request(s) and 476B. https://www.vapevandal.com/cart.js https://www.vapevandal.com/cart.js?v=1531205148565_394 https://www.vapevandal.com/cart/update.js The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 1 request(s) and 100.0KiB. https://sdk.beeketing.com/js/beeketing.js?20180709 https://sdk.beeketing.com/js/beeketi....myshopify.com The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 1 request(s) and 3.6KiB. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/09...g?v=1521697849 https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/09...g?v=1521697910 The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 1 request(s) and 3.0KiB. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/09...g?v=1527271706 https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/09...g?v=1527271711 The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 1 request(s) and 2.1KiB. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/09...51813724323383 https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/09...75672189588922 |
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