How To Build 1st Amazon Website

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What is the best way to built an Amazon affiliate site these days?

I was thinking more like a 'product review' content site which would have Amazon Affiliate links in the written review and not necessarily using any products plugins.

Increasingly now I see sites more of a full catalog site. Just product image & few words only with a single click link (button) to Amazon. Maybe made using a plugin like Affiliate Egg?

Which is the best way to build an Amazon affiliate site these days? I am wondering how a website that is more image & click to Amazon will even rank in Google? Would you then have to then look at other traffic generation methods?

Appreciate if anyone can help out
#1st #amazon #build #website
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    The review site will always have a much better chance of ranking. It's particularly important to put a date/year in the title of the review and to keep them current. If your site doesn't have thorough, original reviews, its almost impossible to rank well.

    That doesn't mean that you can't also have a separate category just for a "shop". The product pages in that shop should include links to the full product reviews, though.

    You might also want to read about Google's "EAT". Getting good EAT scores will definitely help a review site.
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