Where Do You Get UPC Codes?

4 replies
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Hi all,

I am about to start selling on Amazon and about to buy a UPC code. There seems to be two options. From the official GSI site which is in the hundreds a year and they only sell a batch of 1000 (i only need one).

But the other option is to buy an individual UPC/barcode from a reseller. But i think Amazon might be clamping down on these (not sure). What would you advise? I only have one product.

#codes #upc
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  • Profile picture of the author BarCodesTalk
    You're right that there are pretty much only 2 legal options. Rent from GS1, or own the GTIN (barcodes) outright due to GS1's class action lawsuit.

    Amazon prefers that you rent (since they're on the board for the company that you'd rent from) but does in fact allow their sellers to own and use their own GTINs just fine.

    The only exceptions are primarily for their Brand-Registry program, with that they force you to rent from GS1 alone.

    If it weren't for GS1 settling that class action suit in 2002 (in the USA) you wouldn't have any option at all, they'd be a monopoly.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Call me confused, but since when is a GTIN (UPC) required by Amazon and why would you need to buy one if one does not already exist for it? Bar codes are things that are mostly on products that are found in brick and mortar retail stores and in today's world, there are likely just as many products that DO NOT have them as ones that do.

    Their only requirement is that IF a product has a GTIN, you need to include it. If it DOES NOT have a GTIN, you can apply for an exemption. https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/...cont_200317470
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    • Profile picture of the author BarCodesTalk
      Completely agree, it's not a matter of choice for most sellers unfortunately. Amazon applied this rule years ago and to summarize it is to add validity to sellers and provide a smoother checkout experience for the buyers. It's one more thing that separates amazon from becoming a bigger ebay with millions of used listings cluttering up the place.

      Also while a seller can file for an exemption, most do not (time & time is money) and it is incredibly easy to buy and legally own a GTIN/UPC, assign it to your item and list it instantly to start earning money vs wait for seller support to "maybe" approve your request in a few days/weeks time.

      Hope that helps,
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  • Profile picture of the author samsmoot
    If it were allowed on here I would be happy to provide a free barcode or two to anyone who asks. I had the same problem of getting one for Amazon so I bought a thousand.
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