Should I delete my listing and start fresh on Amazon?

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I recently took one of my companies products on amazon. I created the listings and had them go live. Now it is a couple of weeks later, I am improving the product images and enabling enhanced branded content through A+. I also have not started any marketing campaigns on Amazon for the product nor contacted my current customers to tell them about the launch on Amazon. I thought making the content better and running campaigns later over time would be fine but now I just found out that you want everything top-notch and to start running campaigns on day one or it will severely hurt your rankings. I am debating if I should stay down my current path and just fix things and roll out the ad campaigns or if I should delete the product and listing. Then I can redo the listing and have everything looking great before I set the launch date where I can have the ad campaign set to start immediately. So far, we only have one review of the product so I would lose that, but it is only one. Any advice?
#amazon #delete #fresh #listing #start
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    I'm confused. Are you saying that you have never launched the campaign on Amazon - it has never run yet? If so, it doesn't matter at all how long it took you to improve the pages to the point where you were ready to actually launch the campaign and start advertising on Amazon.
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  • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
    Based on this article: - and many more like it, you should just improve your rankings - period.

    You can optimize your future campaigns from the get go, but this one already has a review going for it and providing at least one of the ranking qualities you need.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zulfus
    Hi Christopher - I have a lot of experience with amazon, and you're right you do want everything running from the start. However it's not too late, turn your ads on now and start building a sales history, I recommend spending more up front as it'll get your sales up faster even if you only break even. When you're happy with the level of sales you can optimise and scale back to ensure you're profitiing.

    - Zul
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  • Profile picture of the author hearme
    What is your market strategy Cost of product Profit margin budget for rank competition many other factors are there as well. Lets discuess your product first type of product ?
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