Spent 1k in FB ads with no conversions. What can I look at in my data to see what works?

18 replies
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I am running a drop shipping store where I am selling a laser product. I have a shopify site, and primarily running FB ads that are getting tons of engagement and click through, but my store isn't converting. I would like to know if I am perhaps targetting a bad interest in my ads. Would like to know what to look at in my business manager to see what is working and what isn't.
#ads #conversions #data #spent #works
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  • Profile picture of the author cheese1688
    Good question. I am also running some dropship stores and would like to know the same as OP.
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  • Profile picture of the author codyhay
    My guess is you are targetting a wrong user base, try amending it a bit and compare the results.
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  • Profile picture of the author jadsn
    Without more details, it's impossible to diagnose, but $1k in traffic with no purchases is a really bad sign. It could be your targeting is off, your product/offer isn't enticing, or your website doesn't invoke trust in potential customers. I'm going to take a guess and say all the above.

    What's your ad CTR, ad relevance score, avg. cpc? How many people made it to checkout? Are you running for link clicks, conversions, or something else?

    What is the price of your product? Is this a product that people really want? How's the design on your store? If you were a customer who clicked on the ad, would you feel like this is a legitimate company (be honest with yourself)?
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    torresrandy92 and cheese1688 If you 2 could DM me a link to look at the ad and a link to the landing page, I will try and help you out.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author torresrandy92
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      torresrandy92 and cheese1688 If you 2 could DM me a link to look at the ad and a link to the landing page, I will try and help you out.
      Hi my website is www.curevana.store and the ad is https://randyemmanuel.files.wordpres.../15-sec-ad.mp4
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by torresrandy92 View Post

        An immediate boost in sales would be to drop the traffic here: https://curevana.store/products/6000...emover-machine vs the home page. The home page is not conducive for selling - at all. With all of the different images and shop now.. it gives the impression there are more products. I would change the "Shop Now" text at the very least on your homepage to "Buy Now".

        Some other help.. your hero image is WAY to big. It should be 1/3 the size and maybe 1/4 th. I might rethink the color of the header ( the dark grey ) and the color of the text panels that are currently black. I would go with a pink or a light green or maybe even a light or dark blue. black is not screaming Feminine and I will assume that is your target audience.

        on the Product page,this line: " Charger: EU US UK Three-in-one plug " you want to read more like " Included: Three-In-One EU US UK Charger "

        this line: " FREE shipping (US, Lebanon, Turkey and rest of world) " believe it or not is probably killing you... something like " *** Worldwide FREE Shipping *** " will make a world of differnce.

        At the very least make the changes to the page linked to from the ad ( to the product page ) and the minor changes on that page ( product page ) and let me know how that works!
        Success is an ACT not an idea
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11563915].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author torresrandy92
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          An immediate boost in sales would be to drop the traffic here: https://curevana.store/products/6000...emover-machine vs the home page. The home page is not conducive for selling - at all. With all of the different images and shop now.. it gives the impression there are more products. I would change the "Shop Now" text at the very least on your homepage to "Buy Now".

          Some other help.. your hero image is WAY to big. It should be 1/3 the size and maybe 1/4 th. I might rethink the color of the header ( the dark grey ) and the color of the text panels that are currently black. I would go with a pink or a light green or maybe even a light or dark blue. black is not screaming Feminine and I will assume that is your target audience.

          on the Product page,this line: " Charger: EU US UK Three-in-one plug " you want to read more like " Included: Three-In-One EU US UK Charger "

          this line: " FREE shipping (US, Lebanon, Turkey and rest of world) " believe it or not is probably killing you... something like " *** Worldwide FREE Shipping *** " will make a world of differnce.

          At the very least make the changes to the page linked to from the ad ( to the product page ) and the minor changes on that page ( product page ) and let me know how that works!
          Thanks for your response. I will try implementing this. For the time being I have turned off my FB ads. I wanted to know if you have any suggestions for interests to target. Right now I am targeting beauty and hair removal but perhaps this is too broad.
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by torresrandy92 View Post

            Thanks for your response. I will try implementing this. For the time being I have turned off my FB ads. I wanted to know if you have any suggestions for interests to target. Right now I am targeting beauty and hair removal but perhaps this is too broad.
            Might want to look at this and use your exiting campaign to get a better idea of who you should be targeting. https://www.megalytic.com/blog/analy...facebook-users
            Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author abderrezak31
    most important for me is to know well your audience and your customers.? if you are a customer of your store you should ask your self "why do i purchase an item from this store ?? is it trusted? is there any customers already tried it? is there a reviews on the product page??" then you need to track your converted users from your ads to your store"where do they stop engagement??" is there a problem on my checkout page ? do my customers are using a different currencies ? ... and i think if you spent little money in instagram that would be good even on SEO strategies to varies your traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author derekmichael02
    Lots of things here:

    1) Ad
    a) Highlight a problem and agitate?
    b) Offer downloadable asset as solutiong?
    c) Stand out visually?

    2) Landing page
    a) Deliver on ad's promise?
    b) Present single call to action?
    c) Offering upsell on thank you?
    d) Match ad (creates continuity)?

    3) Retargeting
    a) Running separate retarget?
    b) Disqualifying purchasers with 'burn' pixel?

    These are just some quick thoughts to consider...


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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Facebook is the new MySpace. You would be far better off focusing on learning and testing on Google Adwords.
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  • Profile picture of the author Garuiz

    Running the digital ads yourself can be a really stressing and hard work especially when you don't see any results. sometimes it looks like you are throwing money away. I will recommend hiring a professional or an agency to do your ads campaign for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author efriedel
    FB Ads are mostly for established stores in my humble opinion too much competition leads to higher price for Ads. Google Ads might be cheaper and more effective in my opinion.
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    • Profile picture of the author torresrandy92
      Originally Posted by efriedel View Post

      FB Ads are mostly for established stores in my humble opinion too much competition leads to higher price for Ads. Google Ads might be cheaper and more effective in my opinion.
      Do you have a suggestion for a way to learn Google Ads? I learned FB ads just by experimenting and I think this was the wrong approach.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11568933].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
        Originally Posted by efriedel View Post

        FB Ads are mostly for established stores in my humble opinion too much competition leads to higher price for Ads. Google Ads might be cheaper and more effective in my opinion.
        Originally Posted by torresrandy92 View Post

        Do you have a suggestion for a way to learn Google Ads? I learned FB ads just by experimenting and I think this was the wrong approach.
        ? ads cost too much? makes me cringe every time I hear that, how does an ad cost too much if you are making money per $1 spent?

        Marketing should be a repeatable process that returns a profit the cost of the ad per se is not part of the question. If I spend $5 per click but make a return of $10 for every click is that expensive? Or if I spend .20c a click ( a cheapy ad) and I get a return of .15c on each click is that expensive?

        Rather than quit FB ads learn to master it, if you just jump from one platform to another you will just become confused.

        Savidge4 gave you some good advice on the page so go with that, also on that page it is very clear that those reviews are all fake, every single one of them and would also be a big factor in why people are turning away.

        If it smells like bullshit it usually is bullshit.

        I do not like your ad at all, is seems jingly and off-putting? and it does not seem to look at a problem/solution.

        In addition your running 1 ad? I am not sure how you measure how effective that is with nothing to play against it.

        Run 4 ads and change them up, after they have had 1000 impressions drop the weakest ad, then you will have your gold silver and bronze ads as a base, now introduce another ad based on your medal winners and try and beat them, again after its seen 1000 views drop the weakest, rinse and repeat.

        How is the campaign set up, does it cover all platforms? are there some platforms not working to tidy things up, are there age demographics not working for you.

        How is the campaign set up, is looking for clicks, most likely to click n view or conversions?

        As mention above you then need a second level to retarget campaign with a "stop" built-in for buyers.

        So a lot to learn about that page as suggested by savage4, a lot to learn about Fb as suggested by derekmichael02 and I do not think you will learn anything by swapping out to giggle ads at this point, but that's your call.

        In many ways that is the shiny object syndrome coming into play, where you jump to the next big thing that might help you based on information from somebody who has no idea, and or the blind leading the blind.

        You will learn more by getting serious, bunkering down and figuring this out, from there you will be able to move to another platform rinse and repeat.
        | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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        • Profile picture of the author torresrandy92
          Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

          ? ads cost too much? makes me cringe every time I hear that, how does an ad cost too much if you are making money per $1 spent?

          Marketing should be a repeatable process that returns a profit the cost of the ad per se is not part of the question. If I spend $5 per click but make a return of $10 for every click is that expensive? Or if I spend .20c a click ( a cheapy ad) and I get a return of .15c on each click is that expensive?

          Rather than quit FB ads learn to master it, if you just jump from one platform to another you will just become confused.

          Savidge4 gave you some good advice on the page so go with that, also on that page it is very clear that those reviews are all fake, every single one of them and would also be a big factor in why people are turning away.

          If it smells like bullshit it usually is bullshit.

          I do not like your ad at all, is seems jingly and off-putting? and it does not seem to look at a problem/solution.

          In addition your running 1 ad? I am not sure how you measure how effective that is with nothing to play against it.

          Run 4 ads and change them up, after they have had 1000 impressions drop the weakest ad, then you will have your gold silver and bronze ads as a base, now introduce another ad based on your medal winners and try and beat them, again after its seen 1000 views drop the weakest, rinse and repeat.

          How is the campaign set up, does it cover all platforms? are there some platforms not working to tidy things up, are there age demographics not working for you.

          How is the campaign set up, is looking for clicks, most likely to click n view or conversions?

          As mention above you then need a second level to retarget campaign with a "stop" built-in for buyers.

          So a lot to learn about that page as suggested by savage4, a lot to learn about Fb as suggested by derekmichael02 and I do not think you will learn anything by swapping out to giggle ads at this point, but that's your call.

          In many ways that is the shiny object syndrome coming into play, where you jump to the next big thing that might help you based on information from somebody who has no idea, and or the blind leading the blind.

          You will learn more by getting serious, bunkering down and figuring this out, from there you will be able to move to another platform rinse and repeat.
          Thank you very much . I haven't been able to get advice like this yet. It's very hard to know what advice is worthwhile investing more time into as the overabundance of information makes it more difficult to move forward.
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          • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
            Originally Posted by torresrandy92 View Post

            Thank you very much. I haven't been able to get advice like this yet. It's very hard to know what advice is worthwhile investing more time into as the overabundance of information makes it more difficult to move forward.
            torresrandy92, In addition to the other I will give you some tips, First, go to this page on facebook and type in ipl hair remover > << here>>

            this will show you all ads running on facebook for your product, the page shown for Nuffield IPL Laser Hair Removal Plymouth shows an ad that's been running since April last year, there is a fair bet that ad is working.

            if you click the ad you see that aligns with the land page as seen above in the info already given to you.

            If you dig around you will find a lot more similar ads, spend some time looking around and taking notes not only the ads but the land pages etc.

            with the ads do not run them at high speed until you see results/test low and while there are 101 to roll the dice, let's say you had a business page connected to your website in FB you could run a likes campaign to your page collecting likes as best you target them say on your skincare and beauty site? or whatever you deem.

            this should drag in from a cold audience, then run a campaign targeted at those who have joined your page say in the last 2 weeks? and send them your ad plus a variety of just general info posts about you and your business to help them turn into a warm to the hot audience, then grab another campaign for those that go to your site but do not buy and retarget those people with your ads / more info.

            Lastly, those that buy place into another audience, and with that audience create a lookalike audience that sends people back into your like funnel as these people will be more likely to buy.

            This guy has a download that will help you with some of that, << here>> if you scroll down you will see a free download that you can get. (no affiliate links attached/ clean URL)

            that should give you some starting points, but keep in mind every business is different so what works for others may not work for you and what I wrote is only a general example to do your own due diligence.
            | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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            • Profile picture of the author torresrandy92
              Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

              with the ads do not run them at high speed until you see results/test low and while there are 101 to roll the dice, let's say you had a business page connected to your website in FB you could run a likes campaign to your page collecting likes as best you target them say on your skincare and beauty site? or whatever you deem.

              this should drag in from a cold audience, then run a campaign targeted at those who have joined your page say in the last 2 weeks? and send them your ad plus a variety of just general info posts about you and your business to help them turn into a warm to the hot audience, then grab another campaign for those that go to your site but do not buy and retarget those people with your ads / more info.

              Lastly, those that buy place into another audience, and with that audience create a lookalike audience that sends people back into your like funnel as these people will be more likely to buy.

              This guy has a download that will help you with some of that, << here>> if you scroll down you will see a free download that you can get. (no affiliate links attached/ clean URL)

              that should give you some starting points, but keep in mind every business is different so what works for others may not work for you and what I wrote is only a general example to do your own due diligence.
              Yes yes, very great content on this blog. Thank you for sharing it. I am wondering, if it is possible to do this level 1 retargeting on video views that I had back in October. i have a video with over 30k views on it, but I wasn't retargeting the viewers because I was foolish.

              I am not sure if its best to retarget this or to just start from scratch a new.

              In the past I have tried a combination of campaign objectives, engagement, brand awareness, purchase, add to cart, but I haven't retargeted any of these. And the camapigns are now over 30 days old.

              Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

              torresrandy92, In addition to the other I will give you some tips, First, go to this page on facebook and type in ipl hair remover > << here>>

              this will show you all ads running on facebook for your product, the page shown for Nuffield IPL Laser Hair Removal Plymouth shows an ad that's been running since April last year, there is a fair bet that ad is working.

              if you click the ad you see that aligns with the land page as seen above in the info already given to you.

              If you dig around you will find a lot more similar ads, spend some time looking around and taking notes not only the ads but the land pages etc.
              The ad you posted is more geared towards a laser hair physical store which doesn't really apply that well to my case. What I modeled my store on was this brand: https://www.facebook.com/ads/library...27762650579879

              Would like to know what you think or any guidance you can give me on this

              Run 4 ads and change them up, after they have had 1000 impressions drop the weakest ad, then you will have your gold silver and bronze ads as a base, now introduce another ad based on your medal winners and try and beat them, again after its seen 1000 views drop the weakest, rinse and repeat.
              I thought about this a bit more. Do you mean 4 different creatives or 4 different ads with different interest targeting?
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