Opinions On My New Ecom Set-Up Please.

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Hey Ecom masters!

So I'm building a new site to dropship a small line of USA goods to only the Continental US.

There are only about 12 products in total.

My initial goal is two or three sales per week.

I'm thinking of using Paypal simple shopping cart for WP with Standard, off-site transactions.

Does anyone see any potential problems with this set-up?

#dropshipping. paypal cart #ecom #opinions #setup
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    It's a start but personally, I see one problem, which leads to an additional one ...

    There are a whole lot of people who, for a myriad of reasons, refuse to (or cannot) pay with PayPal. Although I strongly urge everyone to accept PayPal as a method of payment because many people prefer to use it, having a real credit card processing company where people can pay on-site without leaving your site will definitely increase conversions. In fact, back in the day when all I did was flip websites, the very first thing I looked for was a website that only took PayPal. It was easy to double or even triple conversions by just adding a normal payment processor to the site.

    This leads to the second problem ... WooCommerce is not the best choice if you are going to take payments on-site with a traditional payment processor. You will run into non-stop PCI compliance headaches, forever chasing your tail to keep your site secure and up to the credit card industry's strict standards. Switching to a hosted shopping cart like Shopify, BigCommerce or 3DCart will allow you to take payments on-site and be forever PCI compliant.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

      There are a whole lot of people who, for a myriad of reasons, refuse to (or cannot) pay with PayPal. Although I strongly urge everyone to accept PayPal as a method of payment because many people prefer to use it,
      I get the whole argument and totally understand PCI compliance and all that stuff... I would suggest things may have changed a bit with paypal and integration with WooCommerce? PayPal now has a more universal portal for payments that include the option of credit / debit card payments vs the older clunky click here then here then here to insert a credit card. you can see click here: ( https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mp...ments-standard )

      You can also look here: ( https://woocommerce.com/woocommerce-and-paypal/ ) for details from woocommerce's perspective. I use this for a "couple" of sites, and it works pretty well.

      The addition of the Venmo payment option has actually been an interesting surprise. Because Venmo users can "Share" their Venmo purchases socially, I typically see a product sales spike after a Venmo purchase
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  • Profile picture of the author SiPolash
    I never tried for Dropshipping Ecom. I am intrested on Affiliate Products. But I faced many problems and Now I am deal with This
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    I have no intention of using Woocommerce. I investigated it several years ago and rejected it rather quickly. I ended up using Shopify for that site but I am not impressed with it either.

    This is the plugin I am considering: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpr...shopping-cart/

    It offers the "smart" buttons:

    Option to use the smart payment buttons of PayPal. Allows the customers to checkout in a popup window (using a credit card, paypal or paypal credit).
    This is what I'm thinking of doing.

    Does anyone have any experience with the "smart" buttons?
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by IGotMine View Post

      Does anyone have any experience with the "smart" buttons?
      I have not used the "Smart Buttons" but in essence the system is the same with the pop up, Mine just has the ability to runa cart vs making a single purchase. But, for you that sounds like a good match.
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