How to enable Ecommerce purchases in new Google analytics 4 ?
I need to add Woocommerce "Purchase" action as conversion, to be visible in Ecommerce section of Google analytics 4 - How do I do that? (In old analytics it was automatically counted and visible.)
- In Ecommerce, I don't see "purchase" at all (although I did have purchases, and GA 4 code is added to website) - it shows empty
- In "All events", I can't enable "purchase" as conversion, because it's not here at all
( In old version, you could just turn Ecommerce on in 3rd column "View" > But in new analytics GA 4, that's missing, no that option at all
I found only this documentation, but it not clear what is needed to do and how:
Is this enough to do, just add custom event like this?
And how to set that custom event as conversion?
Any help is highly appreciated. Have a good day!
ashu2106 -
Thanks - Reply
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