How to enable Ecommerce purchases in new Google analytics 4 ?

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Hi guys,

I need to add Woocommerce "Purchase" action as conversion, to be visible in Ecommerce section of Google analytics 4 - How do I do that? (In old analytics it was automatically counted and visible.)

- In Ecommerce, I don't see "purchase" at all (although I did have purchases, and GA 4 code is added to website) - it shows empty

- In "All events", I can't enable "purchase" as conversion, because it's not here at all

( In old version, you could just turn Ecommerce on in 3rd column "View" > But in new analytics GA 4, that's missing, no that option at all

I found only this documentation, but it not clear what is needed to do and how:

Is this enough to do, just add custom event like this?
And how to set that custom event as conversion?

Any help is highly appreciated. Have a good day!
#analytics #ecommerce #enable #google #purchases
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  • Profile picture of the author ashu2106
    There are two more ways to get all the data from e-commerce websites to google analytics or Google Tag Manager.
    For this, you must have knowledge of programming either PHP or javascript.
    Here tutorial is given by Google on their doc. Analytcis 4 tutorial And another one with Google tag manager tutorial for eocmmerce data code

    This tutorial has a sample that will add the work on your site. But problem is, a programmer must make these code dynamic so that Analytics and tag manager gets data from your real site.
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