Survey Reveals That UGC Can Drive Improved Trust and Loyalty for eCommerce Brands

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Social Media Today reveals that people's shopping habits have shifted significantly since the start of the pandemic, leaving many brands scrambling to determine the best ways to grab consumers' attention, and turn browsers into buyers on their eCommerce sites.

So, have the effects of 2020 permanently impacted how people discover, shop and engage with the outside world?
  • The survey of more than 2,000 consumers found that 83% of people believe retailers need to provide more authentic shopping experiences, and 70% say it's important for brands to provide them with personalized experiences.
  • Only 19% of consumers find brand-created content to be authentic, and a mere 10% say influencer content resonates as authentic with them.
  • The majority of respondents indicated that user-generated content (UGC) resonates as most authentic, with nearly 80% saying UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions.
  • UGC is a staggering 8.7x more impactful than influencer content, and 6.6x more influential than branded content in consumers' eyes​.
  • 56% of consumers say they're more influenced by social media images and videos when online shopping now than they were before the pandemic.
  • 72% of consumers said that real customer photos and videos are the content they most want to see on eCommerce sites. Furthermore, 80% said they would be more likely to purchase a product from an online store if its website had photos and videos from real customers.
  • UGC is extremely important to today's online shoppers. 64% of Gen Z and 60% of Millennials indicated that they'd left an eCommerce store without purchasing because the site didn't include customer photos or reviews.
  • Over 60% of consumers say they would be more loyal to, and likely to buy from a brand that invited them to join a customer advocacy community to actively help it create more UGC for the brand. In short, brands that place UGC at the heart of their online experiences will be rewarded by shoppers.
#brands #drive #ecommerce #improved #loyalty #reveals #survey #trust #ugc
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    It's shocking that someone actually took the time to conduct a study on this. This "no duh" concept has been part of advertising since the beginning of marketing.

    People trust other consumers far more than a sales pitch. Just because the internet is relatively new in the grand scope of things, doesn't mean that the same principles that have driven consumer behavior since the beginning of time have changed.
    Signature - FREE TRAINING - Learn How to Build Your Own eCommerce Website
    My PROVEN ecommerce process, as seen on: Fox Business News, the NY Times & Flippa
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