China buying advice needed. Uk Based

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Hi all, i have been buying supplies for two businesses i am running with my wife. She has an etsy store and buys supplies from aliexpress dhgate etc. I have an online store designing and making items with leds. I source my stock from alibaba, which has been much cheaper. I generally put buying request out and deal with the quotes i get back. i have never had any issues.

its my understanding that aliexpress, dhgate etc are just middlemen buying stock for the factories, whereas alibaba is direct from the factories.

One advantage i have had with aliexpress and dhgate have cost me very little in terms of postage. the sellers are happy to send multiple packages to avoid having to pay large VAT charges.

Sometimes when i buy from alibaba the prices are very cheap but the postage costs are extortione and make the prices between the different platforms quite similar.

My friend says that i need a shipping agent or someone who can deal with the factories direct for me to negotiate on prices.

what are peoples experiences on buying from alibaba and using buyers and shipping agents?
#advice #based #buying #china #needed
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    The person who you need to contact is Walter Hay - he goes by the handle Importexport here on the forum. Few people understand the nuances of dealing with Chinese manufacturers better than he does.
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