What's Your Must-Have Data for Shopify Success?

3 replies
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Hi all,

I've been running my shopify online store for a while now, and I'm currently on a mission to refine my decision-making process. I'm wondering - which analytics or insights have you found invaluable for your ecommerce success?

Do you have a specific metric you're constantly tracking? Or maybe there's a certain piece of data you wish you could have, but it seems hard to come by?

I'm really interested in hearing about your experiences and insights.
Thanks in advance!
#data #musthave #shopify #success
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    The one and only main data point is sales. From there, it depends on how you are getting those sales (e.g. advertising, which you would evaluate based on ROI - something that Shopify has no stats on and that you have to get from the advertising platform).

    After your website has been running for a number of years, the main metric is YOY sales for any given month - something that most sites that have been around for many years and selling high ticket discretionary products will tell you is tragic this year compared to past years,

    StoreCoach.com - FREE TRAINING - Learn How to Build Your Own eCommerce Website
    My PROVEN ecommerce process, as seen on: Fox Business News, the NY Times & Flippa
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  • Profile picture of the author Betasolutionscpa
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by Betasolutionscpa View Post

      For Success, The Shopify store must have memorable and brandable domain name, mobile-friendly and responsive design, secure payment gateway, high-quality product images and descriptions, customer reviews and testimonials.

      While true of any platform, the question was about Shopify, specifically, and solely about data points, none of which were addressed in your response.
      StoreCoach.com - FREE TRAINING - Learn How to Build Your Own eCommerce Website
      My PROVEN ecommerce process, as seen on: Fox Business News, the NY Times & Flippa
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  • Profile picture of the author Susane888
    One of the most important pieces of data to achieve success on Shopify is product sku. It helps track each product in inventory, preventing issues with reporting and shipping. Properly storing SKUs ensures quick and easy access. In addition to SKUs, it's important to have sales data, website traffic, user behavior, and other factors that help improve sales strategy and increase revenue.
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